[Spoiler] I'm delusional, you belong to me

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[Spoiler] I'm delusional, you belong to me

The nth day that Mr. Chen wanted to get married
some weekend.

In order to promote the album, Su Shu made a live broadcast. Because she didn't know what to talk about, she pulled Jian Yi to play games together.

Originally it was a double row of sweet sisters, but Jian Yi directly pulled Chen Jiaxu in the next second.

Don't, this popularity is soaring in a straight line, and the barrage instantly covers the entire screen.

Su Shu had a bad feeling that she might be stuffed with dog food.

Sure enough, looking at the two eye-catching ids, the barrage exploded!

[World]: Su Shu, I brought my husband here to increase your fans.

【The world belongs to me】:~

[Human]: I'm so sour!


"Su Shu doesn't cry, we are also sour."

"Don't be afraid, Su Shu, call Ning Chen!"

"Ning Chen, Ning Chen, call Ning Chen!"

For a while, all the barrage was asking Su Shu to call Ning Chen's words. Su Shu coughed lightly and called someone online with a face "reluctantly".

[Delusion in the Human World]: My sister and brother-in-law are also there.

With this sentence, the live broadcast room exploded again.

"Wow wow, is it going to be made public?"

"Mom duck, I'm crying."

"My son finally thinks about it, is he going to chase Su Shu?"

The barrage was still brushing dog food, but Su Shu was looking at it from a different perspective.

When did this person change their id? Delusional? Is this a warning to her not to be delusional! ! !

Shameless, I'll see how my sister sells you later!

Sweet Double Row becomes Sweet Five Row.

Because there are four of them, a passerby is also matched.

Originally, the live broadcast was happy, so when Jian Yi and Su Shu took an assistant, passers-by began to complain.

[Actor]: Double support? How is this ranking going?

[Human World]: Sister Yongming will take you to the top?

[Actor]: Forget it, I hang up.

Jian Yi took an assistant purely because the man behind her was coercing and enticing her, while Su Shu was trying to cheat Ning Chen.

As soon as the game started, the other side started to shout.

[Passerby 1]: The two couples opposite, brothers, arrest them.

[Passerby 2]: Received.

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The nth day that Mr. Chen wanted to get married
Jian Yi glanced at the screen, then turned to look at the man behind him, "They're coming to catch me..."

The man raised his eyebrows, tightened his arms around her a little bit, and put his thin lips close to her ear and kissed her, "Be good, follow me."

Jian Yi smiled instantly, made a big move with peace of mind, and nibbled an apple by the way.

Just when Su Shukeng and Ning Chen died for the sixth time, passersby broke out.

[Actor]: My id should be given to you. Can you two bastards stop acting? Can the jungler and side laner manage their cp? Do you think this is the Diamond Bureau?

[The world belongs to me]: Lie down.

[Delusion in the world]: Lie down, brother.

The barrage is crazy again.


"My mom, sl."

"Brother-in-law blow them up!"

"Come on, sister, you are the national service assistant!"

[Passerby 1]: It's not good to be a jungler on the opposite side, the world belongs to me.

Jane swallowed her saliva, because she felt that the man behind her was a little scary.

[The world belongs to me]: Hoho.






three minutes later.

[Passerby 1]: Brother, I was wrong, brother, don't arrest me.

Opposite teammate: Yun Zhongjun, please go and catch the jungler, don't catch us!

[Passerby 1]:  …

Meanwhile, hit the road.

[Human Delusion]: If you give me another chance, I would like to say a word to you.

[Human World]: How much are you talking about stealing a tower?

[Delusions in the Human World]:  …

Then the whole live broadcast room watched Ming Shiyin knock down the crystal little by little.

There was always a armor standing silently behind her.

this game.

Su Shu 7-0-13.

Ning Chen 0-7-18.

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The Nth Day that Mr. Chen wants to get MarriedWhere stories live. Discover now