"A Name..?" - Chapter Four

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PoV: Y/N

As we walked through the cold forest I could feel my fingers go numb while the wind picked up and the soft snow got worse, so that in only a few minutes we could barely see ahead of us, meaning we had to stick closer together to not lose the rest of the group.

The snow was already sticking to us and covering all our hair and sticking to our clothes.

It quickly got so bad that it didn't matter, that they had warmer clothes than me, because very soon they were all freezing too.

Hatchet man.. I mean Toby.. started complaining that they should just call him back so he could get them, but gun man said that if we call him, we will make him mad.
I simply assumed that "He" was that thing from before.

We kept walking for about another thirty minutes until we could vaguely see a light through the snow.

"We're there! Stay close everybody!"

He didn't need to say that twice because Toby and the quiet one were already so close I could sometimes feel their arms brush against mine while Gun man had to be only half a meter infront of us, because I was sure if I reached out, I could touch his jacket.

We then needed about ten minutes to get close enough to the light source for me to see the shadow of a giant building, which I assumed, that it was the mansion that thing talked about.

Another five minutes later and we could make out the door of the mansion, causing all of us to run the last few meters towards the door.

Once we got to the door gun man and the quiet one started knocking furiously for somebody to let us in while Toby had to take a hold of my arm because an especially heavy wind almost threw me off my feet.

None of us wasted any time to hastily step inside as soon as the door was opened and with us rushing in there was also a cold wind that made whoever opened the door whine like a child.
Toby was the last one to enter and helped close the door while I just stood there shaking like a leaf and watching gun man and the quiet guy shake the snow out of their hair.

The next thing I know is the whistling of a knife and the quiet shriek that left my mouth as I barely managed to dodge the knife aimed at my head.

Is this going to be a recurring theme?!

Toby, who was directly behind me, also barely dodged the knife and let out a gasp.
"BE MORE CAREFUL YOU IDIOTS!! YOU ALMOST HIT ME!!" he yelled with his voice breaking due to the cold.

I stood properly and sighed while shaking my head violently, shooting the snow and little ice pieces everywhere and casuing my three companions to groan in annoyance.

"Who the fuck is this?! Who did you bring here?!"

I knew this voice! But from where? It sounded so familiar! Like I heard it a million times before but I couldn't place it.

"Boss told us to bring 'em here.. Now out of the way.. We're freezing to death ya moron.."
Toby said and pushed the person out of the way before I could see them.

Gun man hung up his jacket and walked further into the building into what I assumed was the living room area, because I could hear the crackling of a fire from there.

The quiet one just followed gun mans movements like a shadow while Toby put the weapon belt with his two hatchets on the wall.

I followed them by leaning my bat against the wall underneath the hook where Toby put his hatchets and I kicked off my shoes to not spread the melting snow in the building just like he did, but also because I could hear the same voice that just a moment ago yelled at Toby now yell at gun man and his shadow because they forgot to put their shoes away.
It took them exactly ten seconds to come back and get rid of their shoes before going back.

Stifling a laugh I followed them and Toby into the area from where the heat and crackling of the fire came from.

It was a huge living room area with multiple sofas and couches as well as some comfy looking lounge chairs all prepped in a circle-ish formation around the fireplace in the back wall.
The fire spread warmth throughout the whole big room as well as the hallway but there were still mountains of pillows and blankets distributed throughout the room for anybody that felt cold.
All in all the room was surprisingly cozy if you considered the fact, that this was apparently a mansion full of murderers.

"Were is Slender..?" Toby asked into the room and the answer surprised me. Well not so much the answer itself but the voice and person that gave the answer.

"He is still out! He came to say hello and said to have soup ready for you three and a guest because he will need until tomorrow most likely. Is this our guest?! Can I say hello?!"

It was the voice of a small child!!

A tiny little girl!!

Said girl ran up to me without waiting for an answer and stared up at me with big eyes and clutching a teddy bear in her tiny little hands.

Suddenly she floated about a foot above the floor and giggles.

"Play with me!" she demands which causes Toby as well as the voice from before and a new voice to yell out a loud no.

"Hmm.. I am very cold you know. The snow storm was pretty to look at but rather chilling. We could play with dolls or something later on, however I first wish to warm up. Is that ok with you little one..?"

She first looked very disappointed but then smiled.

"Sally! My name is Sally! If you are Mr Slenders guest then I can wait to play with you."

She said and immediately afterwards her feet hit the floor again.
Suddenly she grabs my arm and drags me towards the couches.

"Sit down! Sit down! The quicker you are warm again the quicker we play!!"

I had to chuckle at her behaviour once I over came my original shock.
Following her I kept my gaze on her and rolled my eyes at the small child.

You didn't need to be a genius to figure out that this child was a ghost.

Or at least I guessed something in that direction. It's what caused my careful response together with the yells of the others.

After being pushed into a seat by the small girl and getting a blanket thrown at my face I finally lifted my gaze to see not only my three companions and the little child but also the person I assumed the female voice belonged to and one more person. The one with the familiar voice..

The one with the female voice started speaking again and caught my attention.

"So it is true then? Slender got another one to kill for him..?"
She says while I look her up and down to take in her details and to see if I find any memories connected to her.

"Your clock is nice.. I like the colors.."
I murmur while tilting my head a bit to the side. At first it sounded like I said something wrong because Sally took in a deep breath but the girl started to smile. Probably because she heard that my words were genuine even if they were hard to distinguish from my voice sounding very raspy and it breaking a few times.

"Thank you.. Anyways. I'll get the soup for the four of you. But only because I saw how bad the storm was! And if you forget to take your shoes off again we will just bathe you in the scolding soup! Got that?"

I had to stifle a chuckle at her scolding gun man and his shadow friend while they were occupied with apologising profusely.
She then left to go get the soup like she said and my attention drifted back to the person that sounded so familiar.

They had brown hair to about chin length and a huge scar across their face as well as bright green eyes.

I spoke the first word that came to my mind without time to stop myself just like so many times before today..




I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Have a good night/evening/morning/day and like always remember your cookie on the way out.


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