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I looked out the window and spotted Angelina outside for gym class. I bit my lip and tapped my foot and looked to him, Erick, god he was adorable. I looked back outside to Angie and we caught each other. I saw her smiling and jumping, she got closer to the window and waved to me. I held back a laugh and waved back when the teacher wasn't looking. She made a silly face at me then ran away from the window to join her class.

I looked back to the board and rolled my eyes, The teacher was so boring. I looked over to Erick, he matched my gaze and winked at me, I practically melted. He was always so nice to me and I was positive that I was absolutely in love with him. It was so hard to find a hot guy that was also nice. My friends argued with me and said he didn't seem that cute and he was really annoying, stupid, and mean. I usually just laughed and ignored them. I don't care what they think about him.

I looks to the clock and saw that the bell was about to ring. I stacked my stuff in my desk and got ready to leave the classroom. The bell rang and ran over to Erick and stopped up behind him, "Hi" I managed to stutter out. He smiled at me "Hello to you, too." He responded chuckling. I nearly died. I smiled really widely and he separated from me to get to his locker. I breathed in deeply and shook my head to pull myself together. I blinked quickly and strode down the locker bay to my locker.

I entered my combination and opened it, shoving my stuff inside and taking out the things I needed for my next class. "Rawer!" I heard a familiar voice say as someone grabbed my shoulders. I jumped and turned around to see Angelina, I laughed and grabbed the last of my things and shut the locker door. We hand our next class together.
"Hey Angie!" I said happily, slinging my arm that wasn't carrying my stuff around her neck. She held the hand that rested in her shoulder and we walked down the hallway together. "Hey Chlo," she said "You ready for science class?" She asked sticking her tongue at me. I nodded and giggled, science was our favorite subject, mostly because we sat next to each other but also because the teacher was freaking awesome.

We strolled into science class laughing together, another reason I loved science was because Erick was in it. I sat down and Angie plopped down next to me and we opened our books. We did a little worksheet and then had some down time. I looked over to Erick and stared at him, studying his flawlessness. Angelina smacked my shoukder playfully and I turned to her quickly snapping out of my daze. "What?" I asked, "Do you have a crush on Erick?!" She exclaimed. I blushed "Uh.." I started. Her eyes got wide and she rested her face in her hand, "You do!!" She said loudly. I bursted in laughter, "Hush!" I said putting my finger over my lips.

Of course at that moment Erick walked over, "Hey girls!" He said cheerfully. I blushed and tried to hide it, "Hey Erick!" She said, sneaking me a cheeky grin. I glared at her and unfortunately he caught it. "Is everything okay?" He asked, a look of concern in his face. I nodded and Angie smiled widely, he shrugged and started to walk away. When he was a felt back at his desk Angie felt the need to scream at me. She scooted to me in ine fluid motion and rested her hands on my shoulder, "Please please please let me tell him!" She said, putting pressure on my shoulder. I shook my head no and laughed as she pouted. She flashed me a mischievous grin, "What if I do it anyways?" She asked, I rolled my eyes. I knew she would never do that, I think.

It's amazing how time goes by! The bell rang and I gathered my stuff, rushing to get to my locker so I wouldn't miss my bus. I heard Angie's footsteps behind me, we headed to our lockers. I opened my locker and shoved my stuff inside, grabbing my bag and swinging it over my shoulder as I met up with Angie at the center of the locker bay. "Let's go!" She yelled as she started running down the aisle and I to the hallway. I laughed as I hastily followed her and we ran down the corridor together, shoving people out of our way. Before I knew it we were climbing into the bus together as we sat down in the sat closet to the front of the bus. We panted, begging for a breath of air and laughed at each other. Thank god it was Thursday, we had only one more day until the weekend. Hopefully tomorrow would go by quickly.

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