C̲̅h̲̅a̲̅p̲̅t̲̅e̲̅r̲̅ O̲̅n̲̅e̲̅

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This is basically my other douma x Akaza yandere book but better cause I can't be arsed to rewrite it

This is basically my other douma x Akaza yandere book but better cause I can't be arsed to rewrite it

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"PISS OF ASSHOLE," Akaza seethes through his teeth,glaring at his old classmate.Never once had he taken a liking to this particular platinum blond haired male.True they had been in the same school and classes for three years now but that didn't mean the other didn't get on his nerves.His very last nerves to be exact.
"That's quite rude,Akaza-Dono." He cringed at the very flirty tone that the other gave off,being visibly disturbed when a hand was placed over his.Why couldn't this bastard get the hint?
"Don't care now fuck off you weirdo!" He stood up quickly,chair screeching as it was pushed backwards with sudden force.Douma intertwined their fingers,a small smile plastered on his pale face.This action made Akaza's stomach drop,this couldn't be a good thing in the slightest.
"Now,Now sweetheart~,there's no need to be so cruel." The blond stood up,still holding the other's hand just a bit more tightly.Using one his hands to cup the pink hair teenager's face.

Suddenly,and thankfully,the bell run throughout the hallways.

Douma glanced out of the classroom door,subconsciously loosening his grip on the other's hand.Akaza grasped his bag with his other hand before bolting out of the classroom.

"That blond psychopath...he just keep getting more and more obsessive over me!" Akaza mumbled as he walked down the corridor,avoiding other people as best as he could.He was basically a loner in the school,zero friends and always stuck reading some sort of book.Not that he minded.The only problem was somebody else in his year.A very loud bright yellow and red haired boy called Kyojuro Rengoku.Not matter what he said or what happened that overly loud dumbass just wouldn't give up on being his friend.

Just as he was about to walk past the very busy lunch hall a hand grasped his wrist,making him jump slightly.Honey yellow eyes turned to see amber and red eyes look directly into his.
"Soyama-San!" It was none other than Kyojuro Rengoku,a bright adoring smile on his face just like normal."I was wondering if I could join you in the library today,you seem rather lonely in there!" Akaza blushed slightly,never once had somebody actually wanted to spend time with him.Well,nobody other than Douma of course.
"Sure," he mumbled,jolting in surprise the slightly older teenager slipped their hands together and interlocked their fingers.Slowly,he relaxed and held the other's hand properly.Finding himself smiling gently.

The two teenagers walked to the school library together,talking about different things in their lives.Hands locked together tightly.

Like always the library was empty,the two went to the far corner of the room.Deciding that they would just do their homework while they could since it was better to get it down now than rush it later.

Akaza was practically sat in the other's lap,trying to held him with the complex science homework he had received.Completely oblivious to just how close he'd gotten to his new friend.
"Do you finally understand it now?" The pinkette sighed with frustration,honey yellow eyes glaring at the chuckling blond.
"I'm pretty sure I do," Kyojuro laughed nervously,internally begging that his fellow classmate would go back to his own seat.Thankfully,his prayer's were answered and the other moved back to his own seat.

{Timeskip to after lunch}

When the two teenagers entered their art classroom their hands were still interlocked.Causing them to get a lot of suspicious looks that they didn't even notice.As they took their seats their hands never separated.

Tengen Uzui,one of the yellow hair boy's closest friends,looked between the two with a look of confusion on his face.
"You two like together or summit?" The white haired boy asked,resting his face in his hand with a seemingly bored expression.
"No we're not,why'd you ask?" Kyojuro questioned,still not removing his hand from the other's.Confused as to why his best friend would ask such a question.
"It's probably because we're holding hands," Akaza laughed nervously,gently pulling his hand away from the blond's hand.Both boys now blushing as the realisation hit them both like a truck.The six foot six teenagers laughed at the other two but stop when he received a death glare.

Douma tapped his fingers on the desk in front of him,never once had he taken even the slightest interest in maths.It was always so boring and easy that he basically put zero effort in.Besides he often spent most of his time daydreaming about his beloved Akaza.Maybe he'd be able to catch him before he left the building.It was last period after all.Maybe just maybe he could.The pinkette was now in art,he knew the two people that sat at the same table as his beloved.Tengen Uzui and Kyojuro Rengoku.So far neither have made any type of move on his beloved so he isn't nervous but if they do he'll just have...remove the competition.

Akaza is his and only his.

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