The Kidnap

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It was a cold night in the winter walking home. I never felt like falling to the ground, to die, before. "Sweetie where are you?" I could still hear my mother's voice. "I'm coming home mother keep the door open," I tried to scream and then, it happened. It all started on a Tuesday. I was walking home from school when a car pulled up. I tried to keep walking and when I tried to run the car got faster. I just kept thinking to myself do not stop. Then the car went faster and disappeared in the mist. "Mother help!" Everything went black. I couldn't see anything I heard the car motor. "HELP HELP WHERE AM I?" I kept trying to scream but no one was around. As I heard the people talking in the front of the car. I decided to stop screaming, there was no use. They pulled the bag off of my head and I could see. It was my father.

Why? Why me? Why was I the one he wanted? "Sweetie you have to hear me out, I know me and your mother are divorced cause I was a murderer, but I have changed and I love you." He pulled the duck tape off of my lips "It's a little too late for that. Don't you think?" I asked. "If you forgive me I will change completely." Then I heard the cops. Then the puzzle was put together. He went to prison for trying to kill my mother and murdering others. Have he escaped? Does he want to murder me? As I was confused the night has ended. The nice black sky with the shining stars. It made me for get about his passed. I decided to give him a chance. When I realized, MY PHONE it was in my back pocket the whole time. "Dad can I call my mom and tell her I'm safe?" "Of course you can sweetie. I love you and would do anything to keep you happy." As I dialed the number he stared at me like he was disappointed. "Hello? Mom your breaking up." "Oh my god honey where are you? Are you okay?" "Yes mom calm down I'm with someone very special I will be home soon." "Sweetie please be very careful." "I will mom I love you." "I love you too sweetie." "Bye mom." "Bye sweetie."

"Are you okay? I know you miss your mom but I was hoping we could go to Hollywood tomorrow and spend the week there. Just me and you?" "Yeah dad that sounds like fun. But where are we going to sleep tonight?" "Oh at my house. Lets go!" We drove there in silence. As I was wasting my time in the car on Instagram. I took a picture of me and my dad and posted it. It was very special, like we were one normal family. We got to his house, wait not house mansion. He was rich! "Would you like to see your room?" "I have my own room? "Of course you do!" "Oh my god dad I love you so much!" The room was beautiful it had lights and a very beautiful purple bed. It was like I was dreaming. "At moms I have to share a room with three sisters and we are poor." "Sweetie it's alright. I love you and your mom and I have changed." "Dad it's alright I know you have I have one more question. Why were you arrested?" "Because I tried to kill your ma." "Oh, well I'm going to bed. See you in the morning." I lied in bed wondering. Is my dad going to kill me? I shouldn't be thinking this way. He is my father not a murderer. I'm sixteen lying here scared then my eyes close and I'm fast a sleep. "Katelyn are you awake?" "What dad? what time is it?" "It's 9:00 A.M." "Oh. When are we leaving for Hollywood?" "11:00 so start packing." My dad said. I didn't reply. I packed and it was 10:56. Four minutes felt like it was taking for ever. When we stepped outside and got into the car we were off. Going 100 miles per hour. We got there in two hours from Washington. We went to a very fancy plaza and got our room set up. When I called my mom and told her everything was alright, I saw him.

This extremely gorgeous guy. I got changed into my bikini and went to the beach where he was. "Hi my name is Tyler." "Hi my name is Katelyn." "I like your name it's very pretty like you." I felt like I was going to die after he said that. "Katelyn let's go. It's time for lunch!" "Okay dad I'm on my way!" "So can I have your number before you leave?" "Oh yeah it's 484-753-8910." "Okay thanks. Byee." "Bye." "Who were you talking too?" "Oh, that was Tyler he is really nice. I'm texting him right now." He didn't answer me back. I started to play with my mushy green salad. I tried to eat it but I didn't like how it was mushy. There was a lot of Italian dressing on it so it was even soggy. "Eat your salad." "But it's mushy." "If you don't eat that you won't eat." "Okay." I could see the pain in my dads eyes. He could see that I wasn't the happiest child till now. Then ring ring. I got a text! It was Tyler, I was never this happy. Hey, this is Tyler, I read. I texted him back saying hi. We couldn't date? I live in Washington he lives in Hollywood.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2013 ⏰

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