chapter 1

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Somehow Ryuya managed to find a portal through which he could go to Clover , And Asta was able to return to Clover with Ichika And the rest of Ryuzen, There was a big battle against Lucius that they could hardly defeat him.
Everyone breathed after the war ended, it caused great damage to the four kingdoms, but they are still alive and they will rebuild everything.

Yami was looking for someone, he was surprised to see them with Asta. when they came in the middle of the war , he couldn't talk to them But he knew them perfectly.
Ryu was his childhood friend, and the rest were definitely from his country! Was Asta in his country?, How did he come back? .
He had a lot of questions in his mind and the most important question was that girl who have dark magic , She was strangely familiar, her Ki was warm feeling of nostalgia near her reminded him of his parents, there was one possibility knocking in his mind Could she be his younger sister? Or is he just dreaming? .
When he left his country she was still  baby So it was hard for him to get to know her now.
He prayed that his suspicions be true ، He looked for her in his eyes when he found her standing talking to asta and the rest of her friends، He wanted to go and talk to her, but he was nervous , What was he going to say to her?

Charlotte was with her squad to help the injured people When she found Yami.
She took a breath and decided to go talk to him, it's time for a showdown  This war was strong, she fought with Yami side by side, they supported each other and protected each other And they almost died more than once, but fate gave them a second chance to live, so she will not miss it In her fears, she has to confront Yami with her feelings no matter what the results are, even if he doesn't feel the same , she must let all those feelings inside come out until she find peace .

She approached and stood beside him, it seemed his mind was so busy , so he did not realize she was next to him until he heard her voice.
  this was a strange for Yami ,
He knew the person was coming without even looking at him .
Which sparked her curiosity to know what he was thinking .
Yami was looking at asta and group of strangers , she knew at some point They are from his home country , she have no idea how they came here, but she also owes them Save Asta and win this war .

"So these people from Your country, their strength is impressive” , Charlotte said .
" That's right," Yami answered in a voice filled with nostalgia , After he was surprised Charlotte was standing next to him and he didn't feel her coming .
"Is your wound okay? I remember you hurt you shoulder?" Yami asked trying to push his thoughts away.
"It was a small wound, nothing to worry about" Charlotte replied, her cheeks blushing at the thought that Yami was  worried about her health .
" Glad to hear that " Yami replied with  small smile .
" Yami, I want to talk..." Charlotte tried to speak, but Yami interrupted her .
" Can you keep it for later? " .
Charlotte raised an eyebrow, noticing  his entire focus was still towards that group ,no , but towards a certain girl.

He walk toward them, when he approached her, the girl walked towards him .
Yami was swallowing as he looked at her, her eyes , her ki , They seem so angry at him, as if she wanted to kill him there .
Which reinforced his suspicions, so he  decided to take an adventure .
"Ichika?" Yami whispered at last
"It looks like you still remember my name?" , Ichika responded angrily.
There were a thousand feelings inside Yami he didn't know what to do, his body was shaking .

"I can't believe you're grew up" Yami replied and tried to get close to her.
But Ichika was so mad at him .
" ​I grew up ? It's been 17 years, you idiot ! Did you think I would still be a baby?! "،  she screem and and put her body strength in her hand as she approached him and started hitting him on the chest.
Her blows were extremely painful even for Yami strong body ، It seemed she had become very powerful, Yami smiled at the thought ، Then he hugged her while she was still hitting him.
"I'm sorry, I really wanted to go back, but I didn't know how to go back.
I tried to get stronger and search everywhere maybe I could find my way back to you” ، Yami whispered the sweetest tone he knew, he wanted to calm her down.

"Why did you leave me alone, you don't know how hard it was, why didn't you take me with you?" , Ichika whispered after she stopped hitting Yami and hugged him too and enjoyed being with him, at last She couldn't hold back the tears that started to fall .

Charlotte was watch what happened in shocke , She opened her eyes in disbelief, and her heart fell between her feet and shattered for a thousand Piece  When she saw Yami hug this strange girl and treat her kindly , She had never seen him like this with anyone .
For him to do this to her in public means this girl means a lot to him , How did she not think of this before! why was he not with any woman before! , It's clear now because his heart must have belonged to a girl from his country .
There is no need to tell him anything about her feeling anymore, she got her answer now and there is someone in his heart , It may be painful to discover it like this, but it is still easier than rejecting her and spitting her in her face .

So she decided to withdraw with her dignity, despite her great love for Yami, but she will not be jealous of this the girl ,She has no right to do this, she will not force anyone to reciprocate her feelings and love her So she decided to bury this love deep in her heart in an ice box that does not melt .
And she left the place.

To be continued.......

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