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"OK, that's it. One more time and I'll—"

"Redhead, calm down.. He's 16 and started six days ago."


"HEY! YOU!" Mo yelled and the boy panicked as he hurriedly picked up the soup bowl which fell down. He stood up and frantically spun on the spot, wondering where to find cleaning supplies or to answer the fuming redhead approaching him, when he slipped on the spilt soup. He instantly burst into tears and Mo decided to help him instead of making him weep even more.

Jian Yi sighed at the whole situation and reminded himself that he must get back to work in order to distract himself. Today Tobias and Zhan Zhengxi were leaving the country, and wouldn't return for years. He hoped they'd visit during special days or holidays but wouldn't that be selfish? After all, I can't distract Tobias from achieving his dream.

But the whole distracting plan did not work as it was on his mind the whole time. No matter how many times he pinched himself; scrubbed the floor harder with a hard grip on the mop; focused on the customer's personal wishes on dishes, and gave these orders to the angry chef, he could not forget.

As Jian Yi hummed loudly to a random tune, he served dish after dish. The only thing that stopped him was the calling of his name. His own boss was calling him? What for? Was he doing his work so well that he earned a little more money? Or maybe so horrible that he would return to the unemployed state he was in four years ago?

At first Jian Yi did not recognise it was himself Boss was calling. Either because he was rarely ever called, or that Boss called out the name "Zhan Yi" instead of "Jian Yi". Once the name was repeated three times, Jian Yi finally understood it was him. Didn't I get married a month ago? Oh shit!

A/N: I will not be calling Jian Yi "Zhan Yi" so it's not confusing for you guys! But characters will be calling him "Zhan Yi" since it is his name now.. Hope you're enjoying this so far! <3


Jian Yi cleared his throat and straightened his uniform before opening the tall door to Boss' room. With a creak, the door opened slowly to reveal Boss sitting in his chair confidently. He was talking to someone behind the door as his eyes travelled from the right to Jian Yi.

"Ahh.. ahem.. Am I interrupting you, Boss?" Jian Yi mumbled when everything went quiet.

"No, no. Come in." Boss shook his head. "There are some people here for you." Jian Yi stepped in and looked to the right. "They explained the situation and I saw it was affecting you."

"Xixi, Tobias? Jian Yi breathed out. "What—" he turned towards Boss in confusion.

"You've worked here for three years and in all those years continuously calmed down that angry redhead. You deserve a break." Boss explained and nodded towards them. "I need you back in 40 minutes, though. Go on."

Jian Yi kept on his shocked expression until they were not in Boss' office. He wasn't aware of where his feet were taking him, but he found himself stopping at the park Tobias loved to play in. The other two, following behind him, stopped too.

"Yi, we have to leave in two hours." He heard Zhan Zhengxi say. Jian Yi turned around and opened his arms for a little boy who stood next to his lover sadly. When he saw the gesture his Papa gave him, Tobias didn't hesitate to rush into them and start crying. A ten year old would not know many things but they would know when something sad was happening. From the looks on their faces, to their body language, and then the words that Dad just spoke.. It soon came together and he knew what was happening.

Tobias, adopted only two years ago, was loved by his Papa and Dad enormously. After spending ten years in the orphanage — which was a lot of time for a ten year old — he was taken in by two men who came from China to Germany to get married. When Tobias learnt that his Dad was an actor and his Papa a used-to-be actor, his dream was to follow in their "footsteps". He never understood what that meant but other children at school were saying it, so maybe it was best to say so too.

And after months of pleading to have a chance with something called "acting", his requests were heard when it was suddenly announced he was going to Tide Theatre School. His audition was enough! Although, he wasn't really sure on what this meant and why he had to be excited, he celebrated and agreed to go with Dad in a months time. But was that a bad decision? It never felt like he did anything wrong but the upset looks on Papa's face made Tobias feel some kind of guilt.

So when Papa opened his arms and invited him for a hug, he instantly fell into them and sobbed. When you understand why the atmosphere was so thick with tension between the three; why the happy atmosphere around them had changed, any normal person would start crying. At any bad change, crying was the only option a ten year old decides on.

"Tobi.. don't cry." Jian Yi muttered as he stroked the boy's dark brown hair. When he realised Tobias will not be letting go of him anytime soon, he picked him up and held him at his hip. "Papa will make sure to visit whenever he can. If this is what you want," he wiped his son's tears and pushed back his hair from his hazel eyes. "then I will support you in any way possible. Papa will always love you." and he kissed the boy in the forehead.

For the next 40 minutes, the three decided to talk about Papa's visits, calling each other, and some memories which were so delightful, they were needed in a moment like this. Tobias was offered the choice of playing in the park but he did not want to leave his Papa's arms. When time was up, he still did not want to leave.

"Why can't Papa come will us?" Tobias felt the tears pricking at his eyes again. He buried his head in Jian Yi's neck and wrapped his arms tighter around him.

"Tobi, I have work to do here. To make sure you have delicious donuts on Saturdays; to make sure you have soft stripey socks, and to make sure you have comfortable covers when you're sleeping. I want you to love your life and believe in your dreams like how I believe in you." Jian Yi placed Tobias on the ground gently  but did not let go of his hand.

The boy then found out that he must try his hardest to make sure Papa's hard work of serving hungry people must not go to waste. He wanted to impress his parents but when he told them, he got a different response.

"Tobi," Zhan Zhengxi began and crouched down. "If you don't like it, you must tell me or Yi." Tobias understood that 'Yi' was another name for 'Papa'. "If you don't want to do this anymore, we won't get angry. We will support you in everything you do."

The little boy nodded and finally let go of his papa's hand. Jian Yi grit his teeth for Zhan Zhengxi's goodbye as this was becoming too much for himself. All it was a single hug and kiss, but even that could make tears fall. Since Tobias was watching (he did not want to touch Papa again incase he would decide he might not be able to let go) Jian Yi had to prove everything was alright. That his two fathers will always be there for him, and that he must follow his feelings.

The last thing Jian Yi wanted was the same thing that he experienced happening to Tobias.

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