Chapter 36

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"Almost there, my dear. Just a little further," reassured Loki as Thor helped carry Riley to the labour ward. Riley was holding her stomach and tensing up with pain.
"Just breathe in and out," Thor calmly advised, as Loki seemed nervous "We're almost there."
"It hurts so much," whimpered Riley. As they arrived, Loki noticed Sif waiting with the doors wide open, and the doctors rushing around.
"I know, look, we're here," Thor said as he helped Riley onto the bed.
"Thor... Sif... Get... out," Riley pleaded with each breath. Thor looked at Loki, who simply shrugged, knowing not to argue "Get out before I throw you out that window," Riley threatened.
"Hormones," mouthed Loki. Thor patted his brother's shoulder before quickly leaving the room with Sif, tail between his legs.
"Good luck, brother," he said before closing the door.

"Hi Riley, let's get started," greeted Doctor Sato. After washing her hands, she hooked up Riley to a few machines. Riley was hit by another wave of pain and had to bend over. Loki held her hand tightly.
"This is unbearable," Riley gasped. Loki wiped her forehead and reassured her.
"I'm right here with you, my love. I'm not going anywhere. Squeeze my hand as hard as you need to, it won't hurt me," Loki spoke calmly. Riley clung to Loki's hand tightly and took deep breaths as the contractions persisted. Doctor Sato examined her and said, "Doctor, please tell me there is a reason that contractions are quite intense for this stage."
"Indeed I can. Riley, you're fully dilated. Your little one is on its way," Doctor Sato beamed, putting on an apron. She handed one to Loki, who tied his hair up. "Congratulations, you're about to become parents!"

Riley had been pushing for what seemed like an eternity and was completely exhausted.
"Push, push! Come on, you can do it for five seconds. 5...4..." The doctor counted down.
"3-2-1! oh!" Riley collapsed back onto the bed.
"The next contraction should be in about twenty seconds," Doctor Sato informed her as a nurse wiped her forehead. Loki wiped Riley's face with a damp cloth.
"I can't do this anymore," she said.
"You're doing great, sweetie," Loki reassured her, with an arm hooked around her leg.
"Oh God, twenty seconds my ass!!" Riley yelled in frustration.
"Okay, keep pushing," Doctor Sato encouraged. "No, stop! Wait! I see something," she exclaimed. "What? You do? What?" Loki took a look and his face fell.
"Oh no. What?"
"What's wrong? What do you see?" Riley panicked, gripping the sheets as she pushed again.
"It's the baby's buttock. The baby's breached," the doctor revealed.
"Breach? What does that mean?" Riley stuttered. She pushed again and gasped, "Oh God, Doctor, is the baby going to be okay?"
"They are going to be fine. They are in a more difficult position so you are gonna have to push even harder now. Go! Push!" The doctor ordered her. Riley then pushed as hard as she could "Riley, you're gonna have to push even harder, nothing is happening!" Doctor Sato spoke.
"I'm sorry, I can't!" Riley flopped back onto the bed. Doctor Sato said something to one of the nurses. Loki clicked his tongue before wrapping an arm around her leg once again.
"Yes, you can, I know you're tired darling but I know you can do this! Let's go! One final push! Ready? 1...2...3!" Loki encouraged. Riley yelled as she pushed.
"Good!" Doctor Sato exclaimed, "Keep going!" Riley dug her nails into Loki's skin.
"Are you okay?" Riley semi-yells. Loki flung his hair back.
"I will take everything you throw at me" Riley stops pushing for a few seconds to catch her breath but then started pushing again. Loki could tell that Riley was pushing with everything she had.
"Here we go!" Doctor Sato "Upside down but nearly there!" Riley yells out as their baby arrives into the world with a scream. Riley pants heavily as she flops back on the bed for the final time. Loki let Riley's leg go softly as he takes a peek.
"He's here" Loki cries. So does the child.
"A boy?" Riley cries.
"Yes, he is. Oh, he's... he's perfect" Loki wipes his eyes. Doctor Sato holds up the baby for the couple to see "He looks so gross but he is here" Both Riley and the baby start crying.
"Oh, he's so tiny" Riley reaches for him but the nurses take the baby away "Where did he go?"
"They are just wrapping him up" Loki kissed her forehead.
"Be careful with him, he's really tiny" Riley sits up a little. Wincing as she did so. Loki helped her sit her.

After a few minutes, Doctor Sato hands over the little boy to Riley and Loki, who are now less messy.
"Thanks for coming out, little one," Riley says as she kisses the baby's forehead. The baby cries, and Riley remarks, "Oh, he's looking at me." Doctor Sato inquires about the baby's name while holding a clipboard. Loki responds that they haven't decided yet.
"For now, let's call him Baby Boy Quinn," Doctor Sato suggests, clicking her pen. However, Riley interjects.
"No, let's call him Baby Boy Lokison," and Loki looks down at her with a smile. They hadn't discussed whose surname the baby would take.
"Thank you for giving me a son," Loki tells Riley, pressing his forehead against hers "Thank you for bringing him into this world. Just thank you for everything."
"I love you," Riley whispers.
"I love you," Loki replies, kissing her forehead. The baby starts to cry too, and Loki chuckles, "Okay, Okay." He bends down, kisses his son's forehead, and says, "I love you too."

Once Riley was cleaned up, the nurse transported the new family to another room where Riley could get some rest. Loki sat down softly beside her and held their newborn son in her arms. With a gentle touch, Loki's thumb caressed the little curls of raven hair on their baby's head.
"It's strange how he has black hair," Loki whispered, to which Riley replied.
"John's mother had raven hair." Loki nodded, relieved to have a plausible explanation. Suddenly, they heard the door open.
"May we come in? The doctors told me that you have popped!" Thor exclaimed, his face beaming with joy "And I've brought some friends," he added, gesturing towards Sif, Volstagg, and Emma, who were trying to make their way through the door.
"Please, come in," Loki welcomed everyone inside with a wave. Riley greeted them with a wave of her own.
"There he is!" Sif pointed towards the baby.
"He's so tiny!" Emma exclaimed loudly, prompting Loki to hush her. "But he's absolutely beautiful," she whispered. "He's going to be a heartbreaker when he's older."
"He's amazing," Volstagg cooed in agreement "It's incredible how quickly he went from being inside you to being here with us." Thor eagerly held out his hands and asked.
"Brother, May I hold him?" Loki looked at Riley who nodded, and he carefully cradled the baby.
"Support the head," Loki reminded him.
"Contrary to popular belief, I know what I am doing." Thor held the little boy close and expressed his affection, saying "You are adorable! I could just hug you forever." Despite some disapproving looks from those around him, Thor assured them he wouldn't harm the child and took a seat at the edge of the bed. Volstagg complimented Riley's cute child, noting the resemblance in hair with Loki. Loki acknowledged the observation but did not engage further. Riley shared that the child's late grandmother had black hair, relieving any confusion. Sif inquired about the child's name, and Thor playfully toyed with the baby's hair. Volstagg joked about the possibility of the name.
"You could keep it Baby Boy," Volstagg grinned. Loki shared that they had two names in mind and were deciding between the two. Riley expressed her love for both options and hoped they could make a decision soon.
"Introducing Eric," Loki announced to the group. However, Riley's emotions quickly changed as she began to cry "Darling? What's the matter?" Loki asked, concerned.
"That's not his name. I'm sorry, but he just doesn't feel like an Eric," she said through her tears. Loki comforted Riley with open arms, as Thor handed Emma the baby. Volstagg inquired.
"Do you have any other name ideas, Loki?"
"Let's see... how about Leif?" Loki suggested, scratching his ear.
"No, that doesn't sound quite right with Lokison," Riley replied, still upset. Feeling defeated, Loki sighed.
"I suppose we're back to calling him Baby Boy." Volstagg tried to lift the mood by clapping. However, Riley continued to apologize, feeling guilty for the mistake. Loki reassured her that everything was okay and that they could keep searching for the perfect name. Riley let out a sniffle and asked.
"What should we do now?"
"Why don't we continue searching in the book?" Emma proposed. Sif comforted Riley by patting her leg and said.
"Don't worry, you'll find the perfect name." Volstagg, rolling his eyes, replied to Sif.
"It's easy for you to say since you already have your children's names picked out." Thor, intrigued, asked Sif.
"You have their names already? Please do share!"
"Randvi" Sif suggested the name if they have a girl, which Thor found to be a nice and ordinary name. When Loki asked about a name for a boy, Sif remained tight-lipped. Riley expressed doubt that they would agree on a name, but Thor whispered to Loki that Riley would ultimately make the decision to choose Sif's name choice. He knew what Sif wanted to call her son.
"Elijah," Riley gasps as she sees the baby and tears start to flow. Sif, on the other hand, scoffs and places a hand on Riley's shoulder.
"See? I don't want it," she says.
"Take it," Sif insists.
"What?" both Riley and Loki exclaim. Loki was shocked Sif had previously chosen Bjorn or Havi as her son's name, not Elijah.
"Told ya," Thor grins triumphantly.
"He is an Elijah," Volstagg smiles as he picks up the baby and sits down next to Thor.
"But Sif, you love that name," Riley reminds her as Riley dries her eyes.
"Of course, but I love you guys more," Sif says as Volstagg rocks the baby.
"Thank you," Loki murmurs.
"Elijah Lokison," Thor approves with a raised eyebrow.
"Volstagg, did you inform Dad?" Riley asked her brother.
"Yes, I did. I told him you had passed out and he will visit you at home," Volstagg replied.
"You lied?" Riley was surprised.
"Well, it was just a small white lie," Volstagg smiled.
"Brother, should I inform our parents?" Thor offered.
"If you want to," Loki shrugged as Thor left the room. He would return soon. Emma hurried over to Riley and embraced her warmly.
"I'm so proud of you. I knew you two would have beautiful children," she beamed with pride. "I remember when I encouraged you both to get to know each other on the day you moved up north."
"Thanks for that. I guess your persistence paid off," Riley joked as Emma took out her phone and started taking pictures.

After half an hour, Thor returned with news that Heimdall would relay the message to Asgard and we should anticipate a visit in a week. Loki was pleased with the news. He enjoyed his mother's company.

After some time, Loki asked everyone to leave and suggested that Riley take some rest. "I can take care of the little one. You go and relax in the bath," Loki said while running his hand down Riley's back. She smiled and went to the bathroom to run a bath.

A sound of crying could be heard coming from the bathroom, Elijah was sound asleep, so Loki went to check on Riley. He found her with her back turned away from the door.
"Riley? Do you need anything?... Are you okay?" Loki whispered as he gently wrapped his arms around her from behind. But to his surprise, she pushed him away.
"Stop," She ordered as she shoved him away "Do not touch me."
"Riley?" Loki asked. She turned to face him but she wouldn't look at him. So he used his pointer finger and thumb to lift her face "What's wrong?" he asked quietly.
"Do you think I'm ugly?" She whispered once in the tub. Tears formed in her eyes. She had tears in her eyes and looked sad.
"I look disgusting, don't I? How could you ever stand to be in the same room with me? How can you even be in the same bed? I am -"
"Perfect. You are perfect. You are going to be my wife, the mother of my children, and the love of my life. You are perfect" Loki sighed as he dropped to his knees next to the tub.
"I look awful" Riley wiped her face.
"You only had our son a few hours ago. You ain't going to snap back like that. Your body needs to heal"
"I wish I could get rid of these stretchmarks" Riley covered her body with bubbles.
"Erase these marks? Why would you want that? Our son caused them as he grew. They are evidence that you carried our child. Not only do I intend to leave them there. I intend to add them" Loki ran a finger over each mark.
"But I don't look like me" She whispered. Loki sighed. he looked out the door and then back to Riley. Just making saw Elijah was still snoring away.
"Riley, I wouldn't care if you are a Fire Demon, Frost Giant, Light Elf, Dark Elf at a push, A Zombie, male, Midgardian or even an animal. I love you for you" Loki cupped her face "I feel blessed every time I wake up with your silken skin next to mine. Your presence reminds me that I am the luckiest man in all the nine realms"
"I'm sorry I feel like this" Riley sniffed.
"You just had a baby. It is only natural that you feel like this" Loki smiled at his love. They were about to kiss when they got interrupted by Elijah crying. Loki sighed as he stood up and walked out of the bathroom "Hang on little man. Daddy's coming"

Loki was standing in the middle of the room, With his son in his arms. Swaying as he hummed.
"I stormsvarte fjell, jeg vandrer alene,
Over isbreen tar jeg meg frem,
I eplehagen står møyen den vene,
Og synger: når kommer du hjem?" Loki sang softly "I taught your mummy that song. It's only fair to teach it to you, My son" Loki kissed his forehead and laid the bundle back in the crib.
"But dance and the waterfalls stop,
When she sings, she sings come home
But dance and the waterfalls stop,
When she sings, she sings come home
When she sings, she sings come home" Riley sang the final verse. Loki had a pleased expression on his face as he looked at Riley's headshot.
"That's my girl," he whispered, placing his hands on the side of the cot. "Feeling better after your bath?"
"I feel more human now. I don't understand how children can wear nappies. These adult ones are quite uncomfortable," Riley replied, wiggling slightly and adjusting her trousers. She slowly climbed onto the bed, wincing as she did so.
"Are you okay?" Loki asked.
"Yeah, I ache in places I didn't even know could ache," Riley said, smiling as Loki chuckled softly.
"I think you said the same thing after we slept together for the first time," Loki said, sitting next to her and pulling the crib closer. Riley blushed.
"Do you have any regrets?" Riley asked as Loki wrapped his arms around her.
"No, no regrets," Loki replied, glancing over at the cot. "What about you?"
"I only wish I had gotten together with you sooner," Riley sighed, and Loki kissed her forehead.
"You have made me a better person, Riley. I will always be in your debt."
"To repay your debt, you only need to do two things," Riley said, cupping Loki's face.
"And what are those two things?" Loki asked, tilting his head.
"Love our family forever."
"Always," Loki promised.

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