Chapter 12: True power unleashed

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People and their pokemon are running as a part of a building falls down at a mother and her child until the rubble is shattered into millions of pieces Kevin sliced the rubble with his knife as he swings it at Dark Michael, a dark version of Darron's enemy, but he dodges the attack and counters with a punch to the face as Kevin teleports away before getting hit "Damn this guy...he's trying to kill everyone along with their strange creatures. I can't keep fighting while people are going to get hurt, I have to-" Kevin said as Dark Michael brings out a rocket launcher and shoots another one of the buildings. Kevin clenches his fists as he uses telekinesis to stop the rubble from hitting the civilians, Dark Michael appears out of no where and stabs Kevin at the back while trying to save people "What's the matter human? I thought you were going to kick my ass" Dark Michael said as Kevin brings the rubble over towards them but it misses them completely as they both teleport to the rooftops. Kevin puts his hand on his back where Dark Michael stabbed him as a lot of blood is coming off it "Your too soft which makes you venerable to people getting hurt" Dark Michael said as Kevin closes his eyes and attempts to predict Dark Michael's next move before he makes it, Dark Michael attacks as Kevin dodges and counters with a Gaster Blaster. Kevin looks to his left as Dark Michael swings a sword at Kevin but he blocks it with a knife "Your fast but soon your going to leave your guard down when you least expect it" Dark Michael said as he swings his sword again and again while Kevin is blocking each swing with his knife, Dark Michael summons another sword as he stabs Kevin at the chest. Kevin struggles to move as Dark Michael pushes the sword deeper into Kevin's chest and then pulls it out, Kevin collapse onto the ground slowly dying "It's over Kevin. I've won and now prepare to lose everything you have" Dark Michael said as he walks away until a knife is thrown at him and cuts his right cheek. Dark Michael turns around to see Kevin standing "I refuse to die here...I'll show you what true power really is" Kevin said as bones rise from the ground underneath Dark Michael but dodges them and several Gaster Blasters appear next to him as they fire, Dark Michael dodged the attack as more attack are being thrown at him non-stop "Their happening before I can get a chance to see it coming. How is this possible?" Dark Michael thought to himself as he continues to dodge each attack.


Kevin wakes up on a bed in Glitchtale as W.D. Gaster walks into the room and says "How are you feeling Kevin? You've been out for a while now" Kevin puts his hand on his head as he can't remember what happened while he was fighting Betty "I'm fine but what happened to Betty and the others?" Kevin asked as Gaster replies "You were killed by Betty but somehow you didn't die. You were on a rampage and Betty had a hard time dodging the attacks that you were using at her and when one of the attacks hit her, she died instantly. You then passed out as all of your wounds and injuries well instantly healed as if that attack took all of Betty's life away and was given to you" Gaster warns Kevin not to get killed again because this ability Kevin unleashed upon Betty could take the lives of those he cares about.

-end of flashback-

A tear falls down Kevin's face as he says "I'm sorry Gaster but there's no other option...I have to use my ability to save everyone. Last Stand" Kevin surrounds Dark Michael with Gaster Blasters and fires them at him as the attack hits Dakr Michael. His life flashed before his eyes as he dies after getting hit by the attack, Kevin's wounds instantly healed then sees a portal that opened behind him as he walks toward it with a voice echoing in Kevin's head.


A small kid with green eyes looks at Kevin sleeping on the couch in Papyrus and Sans's house "Wake up Kevin! We have a meeting with Asgore soon, get up you lazybones" the kid said as Kevin gets up and says "Ok I'm up. Your full of energy today little bro" the kid smiles and drags Kevin to the door as they make their way to Asgore who is meeting them at the Libraby (Library in Undertale). They arrive at the Libraby as the kid asks "Kevin I'm worried that something might happen today. Will you protect me like you do all the time?" Kevin goes down onto his knees and says "Of course I will Kaide. Besides your my little brother after all, I'll be sure nothing happens to you even when you die" they enter the Libraby to have a talk with Asgore.

-end of flashback-

Kevin walks through the portal as he failed to keep his word with his brother Kaide whose soul was absorbed by Riegerfisc "I swear I'll get you back. No matter what it takes I'll get your soul back" Kevin said as the portal closes behind him. Riegerfisc clenches it's fists as 4 henchmen has failed to kill at least one of them "Those bastards have been holding back this whole time and I've been mopping the floor with them. No matter, those ones were just warm ups of the real danger ahead" Riegerfisc said as it switches over to the Dragon ball universe where Anglena and Dark Arceus are about to fight. Riegerfisc smiles knowing that Anglena is going to have a hard time with Dark Arceus as it sits back and watches the battle "Good luck Elemental, your going to need it since your fighting a God of pokemon" Riegerfisc said as the battle begins.

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