Why the hell would you do that

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N-Why the hell would you do that

S- Do what I smirk


N- Yes I do

D- Like hell you do

N- As a sister

D- I don't believe you

N- Sammy help me out I want to live not die

S- ok fine you owe me, Dustin look me in the eye

after a few min

D- why the hell would you do that

S- do you even have to ask

D- no no I don't but why

S- blackmail I wanted to know what yall saw

Dustin and Nathan look down

ND- there's nothing there

S- what do you mean there's nothing there

N- there's nothing

D- I think we need to call the stations DOC

S- really he is fucking mean and an asshole and rude and I use to have to see him everyday.

N- So.... he's basically you

S- Your an asshole

D-Everyone's an asshole agree

ND- YES              


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