𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐒 ; eleven

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Jake laughs to himself and takes yours and his mugs to the kitchen and washes them. He takes the folded blanket off the back of the couch and drapes it over you. He turns your TV off and switches off most of the lights, leaving one on so it wasn't too dark in your apartment.

A few hours pass and he has left since, you open your blurry eyes and rub them, then you grab your phone from beside you and look at the time, 3:44am.

"Shit." You curse at yourself, as you get up.

You look into the kitchen and see the already washed dishes and laugh to yourself, you click Jake's contact and text him a thank you for cleaning and locking up regardless of how late it was when he left.

You make your way to the bathroom and brush your teeth and finally get into bed, sleeping in a proper location.

A few more hours pass and the sound of your 12pm alarm starts blaring in your ears. You grab your phone annoyed and look at your recent notifications then put it back down closing your eyes, your phone vibrates against the wooden nightstand and you groan, grabbing your phone again. You see a text reply from Jake saying no problem, and you smile at your phone.

"Did I just smile at my fucking phone?" You ask yourself laughing. You reply back and the two of you continue to text throughout the day.

As you make your way back to the dorms a fellow member in the car asks you, "Why are you smiling at your phone like that?"

"It's probably Jake." Miya chimes in teasingly.

You roll your eyes and put your phone down, "It was nothing."

"It was definitely Jake." Miya teases a little more with a giggle, "Y/n seems to be in a good mood, maybe she finally got some."

You hit your member on the arm softly, "Why does your mind always go straight to the gutters, I could've been texting Soobin or something."

"Whenever you text Soobin you always have a disgusted look on your face, you never smile for Soobin." Miya says laughing , "But I'll take your word for it."

– ts

You guys arrive at Incheon airport and you text Jake letting him know you will probably be on airplane mode for a few hours while you head to Tokyo for your official debut in Japan.

"Okay guys, remember once we arrive we are immediately going to go practice the choreography for the song, make sure to get some rest on the plane." Your manager says as you guys find your seats on the plane.

You sit down in your spot and put your headphones on and close your eyes trying your best to get some shut eye.


You feel a tap on your shoulder and you wake up, "Y/n, we're here." Miya says as she turns her head to look out the window.

You stretch your arms out and stand up tiredly. The whole group makes their way off the plane and to the baggage area to pick up the luggage, after that you guys make your way outside and see two black vans pull up. Your managers instruct you guys to get on, and you quickly make your way to the dance studio.

You take your phone off airplane mode during the ride to the studio and text Jake that you've landed and that his efforts in wishing the plane would crash did not work.

– ts

It was finally Friday and the day has come where Jake has to MC with someone else. You pull out your phone and click the live stream of Music bank. He stood beside a member of Class:y and you can't help but feel a little jealous, because that is your spot she stands in.

You watch your phone attentively and you can't help but notice the nervousness Jake feels through the screen at this moment. The way he spoke, the way he was a little too serious and not so playful. Watching this reminds you of your first show with him. On your laptop you scroll through twitter where netizens are talking about the girl and him MC-ing together.

Your heart can't help but feel a little glad people noticed their lack of chemistry, although you feel bad that it wasn't going too well it did put a smile on your face that a lot of people miss you and wished you were there.

Eventually the show ends and you open your messages to text Jake and ask how it's going. To your surprise, he texts you first.

"I realized something today Y/n." The text from Jake writes.

word count : 790

𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐒 ; 심재윤 ✧ completedWhere stories live. Discover now