7 | Love at its Best

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Love at its Best
by FGirlWriter

Chapters: 27 Parts

Status: Completed

Language: Filipino, English

This story made me realize what's the real meaning of love and taught me to be faithful to God no matter what and I hope same thing happens to you.

Eunice love Terrence very much.

So she did everything she could to separate him and his beloved, as well as marry her. She knew it was a wrong thing to do, but she had to do it. She loves him too much it hurts.

But Terrence told her that he could never love someone who doesn't know what real 'LOVE' is.

 Hurt by Terrence's words, she decided to go back to Paris and continue her studies.

She came back after a year, and a new Eunice emerged. The new her realized that she could never insist on what was never meant to be, and filed for an annulment.

A month left before the court declared them annulled, she asked Terrence a favor. She asked if they could pretend they love each other. And in that short span of time, they unexpectedly found the meaning of 'LOVE', whether they be separated, or remained together.

 Read and follow their journey towards love.

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