The Wall

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The wall, the barrier, restricting me

It hold everything in, nothing comes out

Denys me the access to be understood,

To be accepted

Can't communicate

Everyone sees the wall, oh the wall, but nothing inside

Any attempt to break the wall, failed

The wall is cracked, but not broken

The things inside push with all their might,

The wall is still there, unbroken

Its prisoners scream, but no one can hear

The wall is just too strong

Sometimes people forget that there is more than the wall

That something inside is living, breathing and needs to be freed

Few have conquered the wall to see what's truly inside

Other look at the wall and assume it's no greater than the cold, grey barrier

The wall hides what lies within

Never to be seen

The wall protects the inside from the outside evil,

But the wall suffocates what lies inside

The wall works in a never-ending cycle

Holds out the hurt and destruction,

Overpowers and imprisons what lies inside

Although they assume that the wall holds nothing greater,

They'll never know the mystery inside

__________________________________________________________________Meek and small, weak and worthless

Forces herself into a shell, never to come out

Never able to say what she truly feels

Never able to embrace and love herself

Hates the horrible mess she is

Hates the little mistakes, things she never would of noticed if it weren't for the glaring eyes of "the judges"

Wants to be freed,just waiting for someone brave and strong enough to break the seemingly impenetrable wall

She always says she doesn't need anyone to free her

Never thought she did, never thought anyone would care enough to want to

She walks the halls, head down, waiting for the moment she reaches the safety of the classroom

She assumes everything is meant towards her,

Every laugh, every derogatory comment, every sneer

She learned not to care, she put up the wall

She thinks everyone hates her anyway

She would never guess he watches her

He wants to know her and her story

He has loved her since he saw her

He wants to, but knows that he cannot tell her

How could a girl that beautiful, love a broken stranger like him?

But he wants, more than anything, to free that beautiful mystery

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2015 ⏰

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