CH2: Arguments

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A/N: Hey guys! If you're reading this, then that means that you have decided to keep reading after the first chapter, which is awesome! And, as a side note, the beginning chapters are going to be short but I promise, they're gonna get longer once the story picks up :) Thanks so much and don't forget to comment and vote!!


CH 2: Arguments

I turned away from the mirror and decided to get changed. After about fifteen minutes, I had on some comfy navy black tights and my gray "London Boys" sweater type thing.

(Skylar's outfit-

Just as I was finishing braiding my hair into a quick sideways fishtail braid, my phone sounded on the table, indicating new text. I tied up the braid and reached for my phone on a nearby table to see the text.

Amber: hey girlie, how's australia?!! can't believe i'm stuck here in new york for another week :(

I eagerly typed up a response to my best friend.

Skylar: australia's alright but i wish u were here. but i have some killer good news!! dan just gave me a 3 week break!! can't wait for u to get here. only 6 more dayyysss! HOW'S NYC?!

Right as I was typing the message, I heard a knock at the door. Who could it be now? The amount of people I had to talk to today was irritating because, honestly, all I wanted to do was go home and curl up onto the couch and watch cartoons for the rest of the day or maybe the rest of the week. Don't judge me, okay.

"Hold on," I called to whoever was on the other side of the door as I finished quickly typing the text. I pressed the send button and got up from the couch, wondering who could possibly be waiting for me. When I finally opened the door, the first thing I saw was a pair of chocolatey brown eyes.

"Justin! What are you doing in Australia? I thought you were in LA!" I exclaimed as I jumped into the arms of the Biebs. I had met him at an insane party about five years ago. I decided to let him have the pleasure of being my friend ever since he beat Mason at an intense game of Call of Duty the next day. It was pretty great.

"Well, I had to come here for some interviews and a few shows. Someone told me you were in town and I came to see you," Justin said as he hugged me tightly back. He was wearing black jeans with a red button down shirt with his red Supras. He was undeniably hot and he knew it.

"Well that's great! I just finished an interview here and Dan said I could have three weeks off. Go on, be jealous," I replied with a smirk as I backed out of his warm embrace. Yeah, so I had no idea what I was going to do for the next three weeks? At least I'd get a break from all the chaos.

"Wow, you are one lucky girl, Skylar. Scooter said I would get a break in a week for like two or three weeks. But I don't know, I might just go back to Canada maybe. I miss everyone," he said with a sad expression on his beautiful face.

Now you see, that is the worst part of this incredible profession. Not the intruding paparazzi, insane haters ready to eat you, or even the endless days and nights spent recording or shooting a new movie. Nope, the worst part was barely having any time for your friends and family back home.

"Yeah, I get that. I haven't gone back in a while." I said as I thought back to my home in America. Even though I wanted so desperately to go back to Seattle to see everyone, I knew that I needed some time to think and be by myself.

"Aren't you going to go to Seattle? And where are Jason and Mason these days?" Justin asked.

Okay now, Seattle is what I call home. As for Mason and Jason, they were my wild brothers who I loved to pieces. Mason was my fraternal twin brother and also the crazy, reckless, and awesome one. Jason was the more responsible and generally more laid back one. Needless to say, Mason and I were the troublemakers while Jason never really gave a crap.

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