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Nicole's POV

I woke up to go check on my babies i wanted to take them out today since i'm off. I went to their rooms and they weren't there i got scared until i heard laughing coming from the kitchen. My babies. Hey mama. Hey eomma. You ok Si said. Yes i'm fine. He came to me while the kids finished their food. Nicole. Yes. Si-Woo. What's wrong. Nothin i just got scared. Of? I don't know i thought something happened to my babies. He pulled me into his arms. They are not going anywhere Niki so calm down and relax. I am it just feels like they are. Well they are not i would never let that happen he said kissing my forehead. Ok. Now come eat i made us all breakfast. We finished eating and got dressed. My Princessa. I couldn't help but blush. Yes. I have to work today so i won't be able to spend the day with you guys but have fun. Ok it's fine. The kids looked sad. Hey no sad faces i'll come over later how does that sound. I side eyed him. Maybe me and your mom will talk. Eomma Yohan said pouting and falling out on the floor. Kim Yohan get up right now. No. I spanked his butt. He started to cry and Si picked him up. Look Yohan if eomma says no its no ok. Fine. He put him down and looked at me apologetically. I'll call you later princess. Ok i said leaning against the counter. Mama. Yes Mahalah. Can we go see ya ya. Yes. I was kinda surprised she wanted to go see my mom because she isn't really her grandma. I finished cleaning up the kitchen and we headed to my moms house. I knocked on the door and she opened it happy to see us. Oh my goodness my babies she said hugging the kids. Hey to you too mom. Hush child i raised you i don't get to see them as much. I smiled ok. we walked in and the kids ran to the back yard to the playground and we sat and watched them. How are you baby. I'm good ma its hard sometimes but i'm good. You take on more than can handle. I know i do but i'm happy with Mahalah she is great. She is that girl is nothing like her parents already she is beautiful and so charming. She is i never thought she would accept me but when she did i was happy. You are great mom Nicole better than me. No mom you did great raising me dad would be proud of you. Ya he would he was great man. He was even tho i don't remember him. So how is Si. Hes good Yohan is threw a fit because i said Si can't come over later. That boy is taking up with him already. Yeah it kind of scares me mom. Why does it scare you baby. Ma you know why. I know but i want you to tell me you need to stop holding in. I'm not ma. Yes just say it. I'm scared that if we don't work out that its going to harm the kids they like Si maybe even more than their dad. Nicole. Hmm. Don't cry you were always so strong. But i'm not ma i just don't cry in front of you. Nicole ah. Ma i have a therapist i go to her twice a week my doctor told me i have to or they'll take the kids. Why. I have too much going on in my life and i damn near can't live anymore because of everything with Ji-Won and just life ma. Why you not tell me before you keep to yourself. I know i'm sorry i didn't mean to. I love you Nicole and i love my babies to come to me if you need me. I will ma but i just want to be happy right now and i'm getting better Si makes me and the kids happy i just don't want us to get used to him then he leaves us. That boy ain't going no where and you know it Nicole. I know ma but you never know i have two kids hes going to get tired of having to deal with us. Don't think about that just be happy right now you see those babies they are happy and so are you so just be happy right now ok. Ok i said sniffing and hugging her. We all are here for you those babies so let us help you. Ok ma. We sat and watched the babies play for a while longer then they came and said they were hungry. Lets go feed you my babies my mom said as they all walked in the house. I decided to call Si and let him know we were at my moms. Hey my princess. Hi i was calling to tell you we are at my moms. Ok did you want me to come there or something. Um yea sorry. No i get it you are being all Niki on me right now. I giggled. No i'm trying to be here like us here. I know i understand you sound weird. No i don't. Have you been crying that's what it sounds like. No its just my allergies. Niki you don't have to lie tell me what's wrong. Nothin i'm fine i was just talking to my mom about somethings. Is it bad. No i'll tell you later are you still at work. No i'm headed to your moms house Ana let me leave early she said i was being grouchy. Were you being grouchy. No. Doesn't sound like it bubba. He got quiet. What's wrong Si. Say it again. Say what. Bubba call me bubba again princess. Ok bubba. I like it. I'm glad you do. Well i'm about to pull up i'll see you in a minute. Ok bye bye. Bye. I hung up and went in the house to see what they were doing. Ma. Yes we are in the living room baby. I walked into the living room and they were on the floor playing with their toys. The food is cooking. Is cool if Si comes over. She laughed at me baby you sound like you are a kid again of course he can. I sat on the floor playing with my babies. Yohan. Yes eomma. I know you like Si but you gotta understand he can't be with us all the time baby boy. I know but i want him too. And he will when he can but we can't see him all day everyday he has a life my prince. Otay eomma. Mahalah hugged Yohan its okay Yohan. I smiled looking at my babies shes so great with him. Ding. Dong. I'll get it my mom said from the kitchen. Hey you must be Si. Yes ma'am. Come in they are in the living room. We all got up ready to see him. He walked in and the kids ran to him Siiiiii. He smiled wide. We missed you Yohan said. I missed you too Yohan he said as they hugged. Hey i want hugs too Mahalah said crossing her arms. Me and my mom watched in awe as they gave Si hugs and asked him questions. Ok guys go play i wanna talk to your mom. He looked at me smiling as he said that. Hey mama he said grabbing my hands and pulling me close to him. Hey bubba. Did you miss me too. Don't get to happy mister. So my princess didn't miss me. I side eyed him. He just chuckled. Why you being so shy Niki. I'm not but i mean everyone is looking at us. He looked behind me and seen everyone looking. Kiss Yohan said. Yohan my mom said getting the kids and taking them out the room with her. Now back to you my princessa. What about me. Why were you crying. I said later bubba. No tell me now you might forget you have two kids. I giggled fine. Go on i won't bite. The thoughts that ran through my head i need to get laid by this man already. We were talking about us. What about us. I don't know i was thinking about how much Yohan cares about you. Is that bad. No no but like what if we don't work out then he'll give me a hard time like this morning he wants to be able to see you everyday Si. He wiped a tear from my eyes. Don't think about that think about right now and how happy we all are ok. Ok. You two ready to eat my mom said holding plates. He looked at me and kissed my forehead. Yes i'm starving let me help you. She smiled she don't feed you good. Ma. Oh no she does. I'm kidding lighten up you two so ah tense. I side eyed her as we walked to the kitchen to eat dinner. So Si Nicole is always talking about you. She is. Yes you date my daughter. Yes ma'am. You treat her right she hurt all time she tell me she go to therapist now. I know we all told her she needed to get some help. Good you seem like good man for her. Thank you she means so much to me and so do the kids. Si Mahalah said. Yes mini princess. What you tell mama. That she is beautiful and that i would never leave her. She smiled putting her thumbs up. Come on kids eat so we can go home. Si come with us Yohan said. No little man i have to go to my house i'll be over in the morning when you wake up. Ok he said sad. I gave him a look and he fixed his face. Bye ma. Bye you take care yourself ok. I will. We got the kids in the car now we are standing outside my car. You will be over in the morning. Yes the kids are going to his mom and we are going out. Ok. I hugged him tight. I have never felt this safe and loved before it scares me. As much as i love hugging you its time to go home Nicole. Ya ya go home Si. He flashed me his amazing smile and walked to his car. We sang disney songs all the way home then i got them into a bath and we all went to bed.

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