Chapter - 1 Alen Hutchins

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Alen Hutchins, the definition of hope. Alen was a typical village boy who was 16 years old. His life may seem perfect from the outside but if you look into it, it might not be the life you thought he had.  Infact, it might not be a life anyone would wish to have for themselves.

Alen was 4 years old when his father left him, his sick little brother (Alex Hutchins) and his mother (Sarah Hutchins) all alone by themselves. Their life quickly went downhill after that. They had a small farm where they had a few cows and goats which wasn't that big of a help to pay their bills. Alen's little brother, Alex was hospitalized almost everyday as he was born with a rare disease called 'Restrictive cardiomyopathy'. 

Restrictive cardiomyopathy refers to a set of changes in how the heart muscle functions. These changes cause the heart to fill poorly (more common) or squeeze poorly (less common). Sometimes, both problems are present. And unfortunately, hard as it is, Alex had both of the problems which leads to a more complicated case. He got heart pains regularly and was often hospitalized. It would be too risky to attend regular school with his condition as he may get sudden chest pains and might need to be hospitalized. Therefore, Alex is homeschooled and didn't have much friends. His older brother was his best friend, the one he looks up to, the one he aspires to be like. 

With all this and without a father figure to help around, Sarah (their mother) works around four jobs to get by. Yet, they are  still not able to make the ends meet. School fees, groceries, hospital fee, Alex's medication, rent, necessities for their farm can be way expensive at times.

The cows and goats weren't that much of a help. They barely made/ got any money out of it. They tried selling it but nobody really wanted to buy it as it was way hard to take care of. 

Well, even though they had a ton going on, All three of them, Alen, Alex and Sarah tried their best to stay positive at all times. It was hard, but still they tried their best. There were times they all wanted to just break down and get away from all this stress, but they knew that wasn't possible, even if it was a dream. They kept trying and stayed positive for Alex. 

Well, The Hutchins family was weak in other's eyes, but they were one of the best and humblest human beings out there. Well, all the others around them were always rude and always treated them badly, as if they were simply just- better than them.. It did hurt them very much. They might not be the wealthiest ones with money but they were wealthy with the love and kindness they showed to others, regardless of their richness. 

Alex always felt like as if he was a burden to the family. He always thought that he made his brother's and his mother's life harder than it already is for them. He always told them 'I am so sorry, I know I am such a burden. I make it so harder for both of you. I wish I wasn't like this. I am really sorry mom and Alen' Alen and his mother always told him 'Dear, you are not a burden. You are a part of our little family and your condition doesn't make us love you less nor make it harder for us. You'll get better soon and once I find a better job, we'll be all good. You are the best and we wouldn't want to change anything about you.'

Alright so, Alen. He was one of a kind, unique and different from others. His hair was a beautiful shade of blonde and his eyes were as deep as of an ocean. His gorgeous round blue eyes suited his face very well. He had very good facial features, a small nose, a 'not so big' forehead, a pretty pair of eyes, long eyelashes and whatnot.

He was one of the most handsome guys in his school and had quite a number of girls drooling over him. He was quite popular for his looks and his kind behavior. He wasn't like a normal popular jock, he was very well behaved, got straight A's and had a lot of friends. Everyone liked him, almost everyone had something good to say about him. Even teachers and his neighbors adored him for his behavior. 

Alen always felt bad for his family and always tried his best to help however he could. He worked two part-time jobs after and before school to help his mother manage the rent and his brother's hospital bills. He manages to study between all this and ace every school tests and exams. He even bagged a scholarship to a prestigious college during 12th grade.

Everything was going fine, except for the things that wasn't. 

Only if Alen knew what was in store for him...

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