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(A.J and Kai go to a party. Why A.J out of all people? Because his friends are going) 

"Babe, are you ready?" Kai shouts out (Kai was wearing a basic ass skinny jeans, hoodie, and converse) A.J walked down the stairs and he was wearing baggy jeans with a chain on the side pocket. the shirt he is wearing is a black crop top, he is wearing eyeliner mascara and clear lip gloss. Kai looked at his beautiful boyfriend with a glint in his eyes "I guess...." A.J looked into a mirror then ran back upstairs. when he came back he was wearing black earrings "ok, i'm ready.............what are you staring at?

"my beautiful boyfriend" Kai responded. A.J rolled his eyes.

when they entered the party Kai saw a few of his friends and they waved him over "baby, do you want me to stay or are you ok" A.J shooed him away. Kai gave A.J a quick kiss and then left. a.J got his phone out and started texting in the group chat. 

                                                                       BESTFREIND SQUAD

Akaashi(A.J): yo are you guys here yet?

Bakugo(Liam): naw not yet

Queen Bee(Chloe): wy on aur wee rn

Akaashi: what the hell was Chloe already drinking?!

Bakugo: i tried to stop her

Akaashi: you know what, it's just whatever, text me when you get here.

Bakugo: bro you dont need to use proper grammar

And with that A.J put his phone in his pocket and went to the JELL-O shots, hit a couople to many blunts, and hit his vape pen too hard to the point where he was doing the Norman pose ( when him and Emma found out was going on) coughing. At this point he's both high and drunk.

Kai is in the corner taking sips of his drink when suddenly his boyfriend pulls him into dance. "Babe are you sure? you look pretty stoned" A.J rolled his eyes at his caring boyfriend and started dancing. after a while A.J started grinding on Kai to a certain song (in my bed by Rotimi ft wale). A.J raped his  arms around Kai's neck and started grinding slowly after a while he faced Kai an they kissed. the kiss was slow but passionate. A.J put his face in the crook of Kai's neck and started biting. after that Kai threw A.J over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

Kai brought A.J to the car and A.J lifted his eyebrow "Babe in here?"

"no not here"

"nowhere we're not doing it!"

"why not" A.J whined

"because you are drunk and high" Kai said, 'it's like I'm explaining this to a child', A.J rolled his eyes then they left. when they got to Kai's house and A.J tried to convince Kai but obviously Kai said no so they ended up cuddling 

                            BESTFRIEND SQAUD

                      Akaashi and Bakugo

Bakugo: bro, A.J where were you

Akaaashi: we left early because i kept trying to seduce my boyfriend

Bakugo: lmao Bro wtf

                                      The end

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