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Aomine came back into the gym and then went to the locker room. He came out wearing his work out clothes and Momoi just came back from outside looking like she just escaped from deaths hands. The coach came into the gym seconds later with a girl named Reiko. "I just got a call from Seirin's coach. She asked if we wanted a practice match today." Seirin?

The whole team sighed "coach can you tell us stuff like this earlier please?!" the coach laughed. "no." Reiko spoke up. " don't be wallflowers and get in here!!" Suddenly a whole bunch of boys walked in. "yeah yeah."

...It was the boys I played basketball with the other day!! Kuroko was in the back walking with Kagami. Kuroko looked at Aomine then walked towards him and whispered something to him. I couldn't hear but I know it pissed him off real good.

"If I win today...I get her."

"Keep your hands off things that belong to me."

He looked as if he was going to kill Kuroko. Kuroko started walking to me and Aomine was giving his back the death stare. "Tora. I like you." w-what?! he just pushed this confession onto me so suddenly!!

"Me and Aomine made a deal. Who ever wins gets you." WITHOUT MY PERMISSION, THEY GO AND DECIDE ALL THIS BULL. Before I was going to say something, Aomine was behind me. He picked me up and threw me onto his shoulder, carrying me to the other side of the court.

He put me onto the bench and just stared at me. "I wont lose you." right after that he ran onto the court and stood in his position. Momoi sat next to me and gave me a worried expression. "are you going to be okay Tora..?"

I didn't reply. Momoi suddenly slapped my back as if she was a karate master. "ANSWER ME!" I looked at her like she was crazy. "OUCH!" me and her glared at eachother for a while and then we laughed it off.

"smile just like that. don't worry about it. Aomine WILL win. for you he'd do anything." I smiled."yeah. I know- wait what? what do you mean by 'anything'?" she smiled at me. "oh so you don't know. he never bothered to show up for anything, but then ever since he met you he's been dragging you everywhere with him. And he's not stupid either. he's a straight A student. If he wasn't then he wouldn't be on the team." that....LIAR! I made a sour face and Momoi laughed at me. "HAHAHAHA! see. I told you he'd do anything."

I blushed red and yelled "AOMINE YOU BETTER WIN FOR LYING TO ME!!!" he jumped and turned to look at me then smiled. He yelled back to me "OF COURSE IM WINNING!" he turned around again and focused his attention on the game.

The game was about to begin. The ball was tossed into the air then Aomine and Kagami jumped for it. Kagami got to it first with the help of his "super jumps" and started running down the court. Aomine suddenly disappeared and the basketball was gone too.

Aomine suddenly re-appeared hanging from the hoop with the sound of the ball hitting the floor. where the heck did he come from? Seconds before, Kagami had the ball and now Aomine had it and scored the first point already!

Everything was quiet for a long time. Kuroko turned around slowly and turned to face Aomine. Kuroko picked up the ball and threw it down the court towards Kagami! It was a fast break! When it looked like Kagami was about to grasp the ball, Aomine appeared before him and intercepted the ball then ran down the court.

The other team had 3 players in front of him, trying to block his path for a dunk but then Aomine threw the ball and made a 3 pointer. "I don't care how I win. I just need to win." the players turned to look at him and then looked as if they lost all the life in them. they shuddered then jogged back to the other side of the court to their positions.

Aomine had full control of the game. He didn't let them score even one point. Seirin was exhausted, but they still didn't give up. They were winners in their own way.

Aomine, however, was in perfect condition....or it seemed so. They all bowed after the game of 165-0. they werent just crushed- they were wiped off the face of earth. Kuroko looked at me and bowed. I bowed back and then Seirin left with a very pissed coach. Aomine walked towards me and hugged me and thats when all hell broke loose.

He felt heavier and heavier...I looked and he had closed eyes. "AOMINE?!" everybody ran towards us and surrounded us. Before he fully lost consciousness he whispered into my ear. "'re mine...only mine.."

my second confession today.

Aomine and the Tiger (kuroko no basket)Where stories live. Discover now