Derek Shepherd x Reader

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A/n: Reader is married to Derek instead of Addison, Mark punches Derek and Meredith is lovely as always.

Y/n's POV

Watching my husband kiss the young intern I chuckle to myself as I walk towards them and clear my throat making Derek look at me with wide eyes while his mistress looks confused. Focusing on her for a moment I take in her expression and I know that he's not told her about me, that she's an innocent party in all of this and I actually feel bad for what's about to happen. "Y/n! It's not-" Derek tries to say but I hold my hand up to stop him.

"Don't bullshit me Derek, we've been married for long enough to know that it won't work with me." I tell him before turning to the intern who looks like she's just been slapped. "I'm sorry that you've been dragged into this mess. Derek obviously doesn't know how to tell the truth to save his life."

"Y/n, please-" Derek tries again and I turn to him with a small smile.

"It's fine Derek, I should have known this would have happened at some point." I tell him and he sighs while I take a calming breath. "You don't have to worry about me. I'm here to consult on a case then I'll be flying back to New York where I'll get the divorce papers drawn up before sending them out to you."

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know that he was married." The young woman rushes out and I offer her a genuine smile.

"I know that you didn't, I can tell from the mere look on your face that you didn't." I tell her and she returns my smile. "If you'll excuse me I have a patient waiting for me then I'm booked onto a flight back...home" I say and trail off at the end as I think about the now empty house in New York. Not waiting for anyone to say anything else I walk over to Richard who offers me a smile before guiding me towards my patient.


Walking out of the operating room with a satisfied smile I sigh when I see Derek resting against the scrub sink with an impressed smile. Ignoring him I pull my scrub cap off and wash my hands quickly before moving to leave but he stops me. "Can we talk? Please?" He asks me and I look at him with a frown. "I need to explain what happened."

"Y/n! There you are! We've got a mother that's just been admitted she's nine days late and is displaying symptoms of pre-eclampsia." Meredith rushes out as she bursts into the scrub room and I follow her out quickly. Running towards the maternity ward I quickly introduce myself and do a quick work up before turning to Meredith.

"Book OR4 for as soon as you can and make sure that there's an incubator ready." I tell her quietly before turning towards the mother. "I'm afraid that I'm going to have to take you up for an emergency c-section due to the beginning symptoms of pre-eclampsia."

"I don't care what you have to do so long as me and my baby are healthy." She says and I smile at her as Meredith comes back into the room.

"Well you're in the best hands with Dr Shepherd, she's the best we have." Meredith says and I chuckle with a shake of my head even as my heart clenches at the mention of my surname.

"I wouldn't say the best but thank you." I say as I brush off the compliment and she shakes her head at me while the mother looks at me with wide eyes.

"You're Dr Shepherd? As in the best neonatal surgeon known in New York?" She asks and I nod making her grin. "Thank god! I know that we're in good hands then."

"Okay, Dr Grey if that's the OR booked can you start preparing mum and baby for surgery please." I state before slipping out the room and see Derek leaning against the nurses station. Shaking my head I can't talk to him right now and rush off to an on-call room hoping to escape him but he follows me and slips in behind me locking the door. "I hate you Derek Shepherd, I hate you so much."

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