The Verdict

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Matt and Foggy have been in a days-long court case, the defendant was sat on a bench before the two attorneys. He'd been focused on the intricate thump of her heart beat, knowing it was only this way because of the jury discussing the verdict. A young woman, about twenty nine, with an olive complexion and rich red hair.

"Hey, it's okay. I know you're nervous, its alright to be"

The poor girl was shaking, anxiety coursing through her veins. She was almost shut down in a panic, her arms hugging her knees tightly. "Is it more than nerves?" Matt leaned against his walking cane, resting a gentle, calloused hand against Reese's knee. "I just- can't believe someone would actually think I murdered my friend." she glanced down at the lawyer's expression, chewing her lip as her chest tightened. "And what if they think I'm guilty? I'd- I can't." "I know, you have a son, and I promise you, you will go home free today" Matt gave her hand a small squeeze.

It was moments like these: that made the boys glad they were lawyers. Glad they could help people in some way. "Do you have panic attacks a lot, Reese?" "Mhmm" "Here. Take my hands" Matt handed off his cane to Foggy. "Now what?" "An old friend taught me this, I want you to tell me three things you hear" "I hear you, the lady behind you, and- and the firetruck down the street" "Good thats good. Now, three things you feel" "Uh- my sweater, the air and my shoes" she sniffled, feeling her breath calm down, Matt smiling when he noticed her heart rate slow. "and now, three things you smell" "Vanilla, the cafeteria and..axe body spray?" she chuckled some, Foggy flushing as he took a step back. "That's mine.." "You should get something new" "Yeah, I agree with Reese. The vanilla is mine"

"Wha- I thought it would attract the ladies!" "It smells a wet dog rolled around in mint" "Ouch, man" Matt gave a chuckle, using Foggy's arm to pull himself back on his feet, and in return offering a hand to help the no longer panicked woman. "Lets get a bite to eat before we head back, okay? You should eat something better than prison food" "Yeah"


"Has the jury reached a verdict?" "Yes, your honor" Reese held her breath, hand gently holding the end of Matt's coat. He understood how nervewracking it was. "You may proceed" The bayliff handed off an envelope to the judge, the courtroom eerily silent. It was almost scary. "In the case of Reese Aaliyah, the jury finds the defendant not guilty. Of first degree murder" The woman let out a sob of relief, Matt and Foggy's held breaths releasing. She turned and hugged each of their necks, thankful for what they'd done for her.

Matt led her out into the hall, trying hard to ignore the press and only answering minimal questions. "Thank you so much, Mr Murdock" "No need to. It's my job, hon. I'm glad to help" "I can't thank you enough" she sniffled, smiling as an older- similar woman came up to them, along with a little boy. Matt had smiled to himself even more as they began walking away, the men meeting Karen in the lobby. "Hey! How did it go?" "Pleaded not guilty" Foggy grinned. "Oh that's amazing!" Karen threw her arms around their necks, kissing the side of Matt's head.

"We should celebrate, have a movie night" "Uh, how exactly am I supposed to..participate.." "You could listen..?" "Okay" he nodded. "I wish they would have board or card games in braille" Matt was usually a touch person when it came to those things. Despite his other senses being heightened. "They should" Foggy nodded, walking beside him and Karen. "Let's get a drink at Josies first, that case made me nervous" "I agree" They changed their path from Matt's place to the bar.

Hell's Kitchen. Perfect name for the not so perfect city. It really was hell. Matt ventured the block and alleys every night, tending to what the law couldn't. It was stressful for him, all the time. Being Daredevil was a full time job, almost as tedious as being an attorney. He took in his senses, cane tapping along the sidewalk as he panned out what was around him. He used his hearing and smell as well, mostly his radar sense. It was like a map in his brain to everything around him.

"You're quiet, Matt" "Just tired" he made an excuse up, knowing full well Karen didn't know about his vigilante night shifts. "Why are you tired?" he asked, Matt thinking of something to say. "I don't ever really sleep, Foggy you know that. It stormed last night too, I still have a boarded window I need to repair" it wasn't exactly a lie; some drunk busted in his window by throwing a brick, thinking it was her ex boyfriend's place. He was curtious, not picking a fight or anything.

"After you" Karen held the door to their favorite bar open, Matt giving a smile and walking inside. "I feel like I'm third wheeling, guys"

"You're not, Fogs"

The group had gotten their drinks, settling down at a table. Thankfully it wasn't crowded on a wednesday night, but still a good amount of people. "Feels good to finally be done, that case was messy" "And she gets to walk free, so there's that. I say we order some shots. Let loose" Matt took his blazer off, tossing it over his chair. "You're awfully upbeat" "Yeah, why not"

Matt and Karen were left alone at a pool table while Foggy grabbed them more drinks. "C'mon, going for a shutout against a blind man? This is very unethical Miss Page" "No" she laughed softly, nudging his side. "It's not my fault your mind is elsewhere, Matt" "What if it was on you?" he gave a sheepish grin, hearing her heart skip a beat. "I would take you to the confessional with Father Lantin" "Touché." he stood behind her, listening around the room.

These Boots are made for walkin' - Nancy Sinatra

Matt smelled something new- it was a mix of lavender and eucalyptus. Somehow polar opposites but they matched very well. He turned towards the scent, noticing the bar was quieter than usual. Matt cleared his throat, standing a bit closer to Karen. He listened around, getting the idea someone new had come in from whisperings and their smell. "Hey. Who just sat at the bar?" "Uhm, I don't know. They look new"

"Someone moved here?" "I guess" she shrugged. "Holy shit who is that?" Foggy asked, standing beside his friends. "That's what we were talking about" "You should talk to them, Fogs"

"Are you kidding? I'm gonna get shark attacked, Matt. Look at me, I'm delicious" "You said you wanted to get out more! Go on, we're celebrating" "I- I don't wanna abandon you guys" "You're not! Go talk to em. You deserved it"


Foggy pulled his blazer and tie off before walking up to the stranger. "'Scuse me is this seat taken?" "Oh, no dear you're welcome to sit" she smiled. "It's not like I have any friends to wait on me anyways" "That sounds lonely. Are you new here?" "Yes, sort of. I have a home- penthouse in Manhattan. Thought I might take a look around" "Yeah, there's not much special about Hell's Kitchen compared to Manhattan" he chuckled. "I'm Foggy, by the way"


"Well you look great, Diana" "Oh, thank you. You don't look bad yourself" "Where are you from?" "London. The weather is awfully grim, I needed new scenery." She chuckled.

"Awe, look he's having fun" "Yeah, that's good" Matt nodded.


"Well yeah, I still have my home in London. I just wanted to see what the great city of New York was about" Diana smiled at the lawyer, ordering them another round of shots. "You seem like you're celebrating too?" "Oh, yes yes very much so. Many things, actually" "Really? Like what?" "Uh, next question" she giggled and flushed. "All I know is bring on the drinks, yes dear?" "Hell yeah. We could bring them on alone. If you want"

Diana raised a brow with a grin. "That would be lovely"

"Alright. Let me uh go tell my friends so they don't think I'm abandoning them" "Okay" she chuckled. Once he made his way to their table, Diana was paying for their drinks.

"Hey guys"

"Foggy, hey. Is everything okay?" "Seem like you're having fun" "Yeah, I just wanted to tell you guys I'm gonna take someone home" "Go for it" "Yeah, we're celebrating. It's fine" "Well then, goodnight" Karen went for a hug and smiled up at him. "See you tomorrow, fogs." "Bye guys"

He skipped back over to Diana, going to take out his wallet. "No need dear. I've already got it taken care of" "Oh, thank you. I'll uhm figure out a way to pay you back" "It's alright" she chuckled. As the woman reached for his arm she also grabbed the cane beside the chair. "Damn, you're tall. And I'm sorry" "For what? This? Oh I mostly just use it for decoration" the cane had a statue of a snake wrapped around it. "Oh, okay then. Shall we go?" "We shall," she nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2023 ⏰

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