Chapter 5: The Silence

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One of the many good things about the library is its unique smell. The smell of old books, new books and everything in between. The smell of sun-kissed carpet and dust-covered shelves. All these things out of context might seem a bit weird or strange but put together in this magical place, give me a few more reasons to keep on living.

The downside, however, would surely be the silence.

Now don't get me wrong, the peace and quiet is lovely. The soft fluttering of turning pages, the occasional cough or drop of a pen. The humming of the air-conditioning in the background. Lovely indeed. Silence however I find terrifying.

The silence forces me to become one with my thoughts. Submerged in the murky depths of my dark mind, I am made to replay countless events I wish I could forget. The demons I battle during the night are put on display even during the day, forcing me to be on my guard in the one place I thought I could relax.

Sometimes, it proves too much for me...

A sort of pressure builds in my throat, and my mind becomes cloudy. My breath becomes short and sporadic, while everything seems blurry. I gasp for air, clutching onto my shirt, wishing for the pain to stop. I hate these times the most. I feel so helpless and weak and just wish I wasn't there anymore. So I take myself away...

I'm not sure how to explain it. I just kinda remove myself mentally from my current position. I think of a place I would rather be in and imagine myself there instead. More often than not, it ends up being in the world of my favourite book. A place where no one can hurt me and where I'm truly free.

I try my best to do this during my punishments, but I think Dean caught on. During these times of escape, my body is left limp and unresponsive, so now he makes me count during the sessions to keep me from zoning out. I suppose Dean would rather have me screaming out in pain than beating up a lifeless body.

Just as the silence was about to overwhelm me, seeing as I was the only person in the library at such an early time, I heard shouting and the sound of a woman crying coming from outside.

Normally I'm not a nosy person. I would much rather have everyone keep out of my business, so I try to do the same for others, minding my own business and going about my day with as few interruptions as possible. However, I strangely find myself looking out the window trying to see what the commotion was about.

There, only a few metres away from me, stood what seemed to be an angle.

A tall, dark-haired boy, with bright, captivating, emerald eyes, stood in front of a middle-aged woman, who had similar but far duller eyes, knowing all too well what may have caused them to become like that. They seemed to be having quite a heated argument, but I couldn't make out all of what they were saying, only picking up a few things.

"I'm not giving you any more f*cking money!"

The tall boy said, whilst running a hand through his hair. I instantly flinched at such violent words, having vivid flashbacks of Dean and the disgusting way he would shout at me. The woman, who I figured was his mother, was crying and screaming on the floor. I felt bad for her but knew from experience that pity can be misplaced.

A few more minutes of this went on until the woman soon drove off, leaving the boy standing with an angry yet unreadable expression on his face. I watch the car leave, focusing back on the boy, who I couldn't keep from my mind, shocked to find that he was no longer there. I frown, thinking about where he could have gone, then stop, surprised at my own thoughts, trying to focus back on my book, until a loud slam echoes through the entire library.

I jump in surprise, my heart racing, having not expected such a loud noise. I look up and see the same dark-haired boy walking through the room, slamming his bag down and slouching into a chair a few rows in front of me.

I didn't know what to do. I was stunned. Unable to tear my gaze from him I stared, wondering what might've happened between him and his mother. I did this, unbeknownst to me, that was until I felt his eyes on me. Immediately removing my eyes. I look down at my now very interesting feet, my heart still pounding in my chest.

For the rest of the time, until the bell rang, my eyes never left the floor, too embarrassed to look up.

That was the first time I met Jordan Myers.

The boy who saves my life.

Hey guys just a little check in. I hope your liking the story so far, I'm super greatful that I have this many reads!

Just a heads up, the next few chapters will be in Jordans POV. I'm not sure how that will turn out but hopefully it'll be okay. ❤️


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2022 ⏰

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