𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷

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(A/N: every chapter, i'll leave a song for you all to listen to as you read!)

Sunny was a very strange boy, nearly silent and closed off from all but his sister and friends. A pale, haven't-seen-the-sun-recently skin tone with jet black hair, a formal school uniform, and an average body type wasn't the most unusual thing for a boy in Faraway town. However, this boy did not talk to just anyone.

In contrast, his sister, Mari, was an extremely outgoing and empathetic girl who was loved by everyone she met.

So when Mari first found a tall, kind boy, Hero, and his little brother, Kel, Sunny was... hesitant, to say the very least. Then along came Aubrey, the short, emotional girl Mari had found sobbing on the sidewalk.

And now, today, Aubrey had mentioned she had someone for the group to meet and told them to wait.

Sunny thought to himself for a moment, Oh boy, another new face. I wonder who it'll be this time. He'd seen a new face at least once a week at this point because of how sociable Mari was.

"Guys, I'm back!!" Aubrey's excited, yet exasperated hollers snapped Sunny back into reality. "Everyone! This is Basil! Be nice to him!!"

Just then, a thin and shorter boy stepped cautiously out from behind her into view, visibly nervous and shy. He had beautiful, pale blonde hair that went perfectly with his extremely pale complexion and vibrant turquoise eyes. He wore the same uniform Sunny wears, yet had no shoes or socks to go with it. However, Basil's most notable feature was the fairly well-made flower crown he wore atop his head.

"Um.. hello..! My name's Basil, hope we can be friends!" he muttered quickly and nervously, yet sweetly while giving the group a small, shy smile. Mari responded endearingly, "Why hello, Basil! My name's Mari! And this is Sunny!" She gently pushed Sunny towards Basil as he waved at Basil timidly.

"These two goofballs are Hero and Kel!" Mari then pointed over to the two other, very much taller boys with a tan complexion and slightly dark brown hair. Kel, sporting a bright orange basketball jersey, excitedly and loudly said hello while Hero, wearing a solid-colored t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants, told him to quiet down.

"And well, you already know Aubrey! I hope you like it in our little group!!" Mari finished happily.

Basil looked at everyone and smiled big, it seemed like he was really, really happy to be there.

He thanked Mari for the introductions and plopped down next to Sunny. Sunny analyzed the small boy next to him with great interest, but Basil must have noticed how intrigued he was. He took off his flower crown to show Sunny.

"Look! I made this myself with flowers from my garden!! Isn't it cool? I can teach you too! I-if you want of course, heh.." He ranted on and on to Sunny excitedly. It seemed Basil had a great interest in flowers and gardening, but that's not what Sunny was focused on.

Sunny stared into the boy's eyes, he'd never seen eyes so vibrant before.. Basil's smiles and the way he spoke softly and gently made Sunny want to respond back. His smiles made Sunny want to smile too, unlike any of his other friends' smiles did.

Sunny finally responded after Basil seemed to be done talking. "Y-yeah, it is cool."

Basil's eyes lit up upon hearing Sunny speak. "Hey, wanna play Tag? You can be it!!" he exclaimed loud enough that the whole gang heard him.

"OOH, OOH, YEAH!!" Kel yelled in reply, visibly very hyped.

"I don't see why not!" Mari said gently.

And so, the gang played tag that entire afternoon, seems Basil was good news after all. But Sunny couldn't seem to get his mind off of him and the way he smiled so big at him.

Suddenly, Basil's voice took him out of his thoughts.

"Hey, Sunny, we're taking a group photo, wanna join?"

Sunny silently nodded, and just like that, Basil grabbed his hand and ran over to the group. He sat Sunny in the front of the group and set his camera up to take a picture after ten seconds. Basil ran over to Sunny and sat down right next to him.


The picture fell to the ground, and Basil jogged to grab it. He shook the picture while the whole group was huddled around him, waiting with bated breath to see the results.

Basil happily took a long, hard look at the picture before passing it around. "I think this one's my favorite!"

"We all look so cute!" Mari exclaimed.

"Is my hair okay?" Hero questioned.

"WOAH!!" Aubrey and Kel said in unison.

Finally, it was Sunny's turn to see the picture. He took a look at it, focusing on Basil. He smiled at Basil's huge smile in the picture. The way his hair shone in the sun in the picture made it look almost snow white.

"I think it looks great!" He said contently.

The afternoon passed as the flash of Basil's camera did. As the group parted ways, Sunny couldn't help but think about how fun that was.

Basil is a good friend! He thought to himself as he and Mari reached their little house in the quaint Faraway town.

𝚂𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝙿𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚘𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚙𝚑𝚜.Where stories live. Discover now