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felix : 

it was felix's first day at k-university. One of the most prestigious universities in all of south korea. The campus was absolutely huge, it had been nothing compared to the small high school he went to back in australia. There was a crowd of people at the main entrance and felix slowly made his way to the front doors. As he was walking, he was pushed by a smaller crowd of people. Annoyed, he turned around to see around 10 people grouped around a tall handsome boy. Most of them where girls squealing, some were guys trying to be best friends the potentially the most popular guy in the school. Felix hated people like that, they were all entitled and rude. He huffed and moved up to the doors where they gave him a keycard.

"hello there" a man spoke to him, "whats your name?"

"Yongbok," felix said, he cringed at his korean name. No one called him by that.

"okay yongbok, here you go. have a great time at k-university," the man said with a smiling face.

He walked inside and followed the signs to the gymnasium for orientation.

(time skip bc im lazy :) )

Felix got a tour of the school and a quick run through of the expectations of the school. He was so excited, he had never been anywhere so big. It was time for him to go to his dorm. Since he was an international student he had all his boxes already moved in my the school and they would be waiting for him in his dorm.

His dorm building was near the math building. His dorm number was 406, on the 4th floor. He took the stairs up and walked over to his dorm room to see someone else there.

"um, hello?" he said to the guy at his door.

"oh, hi" the guy said. He looked around felix's age and had short brown hair. he looked like a squirrel.

"are you in 406?"

"no, i'm in 416" the guy said."

"well that room isn't 416, it's 406," felix said with a slight laugh.

The guy looked up at the door number and turned a tomato shade of red, "oh god, sorry, thats why the door wasn't opening"

"haha, it's okay, i think 416 is just down the hall. By the way what's your name? Mine's felix"

"The name is Jisung,"

"Wanna exchange numbers, Jisung,"

"Sure, just give me a second."

The boys exchanged phone numbers and jisung walked to his dorm room. Felix got out his card  and opened the door and walked in. On the left was a small kitchen and next to that was a small couch and table. Felix took off his shoes and put them next to another pair by the door to the bathroom on the right side, which he probably belongs to his roommate. felix walked to the couch and almost directly in front of it was just a door frame which led to another room. In that room were two beds each pushed on opposite walls, two desks, and two dressers. The left side of the room was already inhabited by his roommate. 

Felix got to work immediately, he opened the box which he had labeled 'bed' and put on his white sheets and brought out his duvet and white duvet cover. He moved his desk behind his bed on the same wall and put his laptop to charge. In his dresser which he co-used as his nightstand, he put in all his foldable clothes in and then used the closet for his jackets and shoes. 

He was missing one thing. The photo. He went through the smallest pocket of his bag and pulled out a single polaroid of his family and taped it on his desk. Felix really missed his family.

He was done and decided to put his boxes away and lay on the couch with his phone. After around 15 minutes he heard people at the door, it was a group, all of them were being loud and noisy.

"Yeah okay guys, bye i need to go," a muffled voice came from outside.

A figure opened the door just a big and slipped in before slamming the door shut. The group outside walked away. Thats when the figure let out a breath. The turned around and you wouldn't believe who it was. It was the popular guy, the prince of the school.

"Oh god," felix muttered loud enough for the other male to hear, "Why do i have to be stuck with the prince.


authors note:

haha little cliffhanger

luv all of y'all <#3

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