•《chapter XI》•

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After a few hours of driving they finally reached Westlake Center Mall in Seattle, the girls had a great time just singing and talking in the car. The three Cullen girls asked their third mate questions and got to know her a little better. As they pulled into the parking lot it was already pretty full but they managed to snag a spot by the front of the building. The four of them climbed out grabbing their bags and once the doors were locked they started their way to the doors.

"Ahhhhhh I'm so excited!" Alice exclaimed as they walked through the doors. She is holding onto Ariannas hand and instantly starts dragging her into the first store they see. Which of course is Chanel. Alice starts gawking at the new purses and starts touching them all. After a few more minutes Alice and Rosalie have both picked out a few items they wanted from the store and went to the check out.

The four of them continued on their way walking from store to store filling their hands with more bags. Arianna at this point had about five bags full of new clothes, mostly winter clothes since she didn't come prepared for the harsh Washington winter season that will come in a few short months. She bought a few things for her father including a new watch, and a bottle of his favorite cologne that he was almost out of. She also thought of Bella while she shopped and bought her a few clothing items she thought she would enjoy.

Around noon the girls stopped by the car to drop off their heaps of bags and then made their way back into the mall and into the food court to get their human mate something to eat. Arianna chose to get some Beef and Shrimp Teriyaki with noodles and a sprite. The others grabbed something small to pick at so they didn't look out of the ordinary.

"The boys weren't kidding when they said that you guys go all out." Arianna said, chuckling a little as she sat down next to Esme at the small table they chose to sit at.

"Yea I like to shop till I drop, as most people say nowadays." Alice gives a giddy smile, she can't wait for Arianna to finish eating so that they can continue shopping but of course she isn't going to rush her. 

Rosalie looks around as the others continue their conversation, the topic is now on their upcoming graduation. Her eye catches a guy across the court, and a frown makes its way onto her face. The man no older than 22, with dark hair and blue eyes is starting at Arianna. His eyes are hungry as he scans her body, he looks like your typical college douche bag. She glares at him as his eyes continue to rack her mate's body.

"Rose? Rose" Ariannas hand waves in front of her face, trying to get her attention. "Hey."

"Mhm" Rosalie lets out a hum as she looks back at the teen girl.

"You okay there? You kind were in your own world there for a sec." Arianna asked with a slight frown, she didn't know why but she felt like she had to make sure the blonde was okay, though she just figured it was because she had formed a close friendship with the Cullen family.

"Oh, yeah I'm alright." Rose replied with a forced smile, her mind visualizing ways to kill the guy across the food court just for even looking in the direction of her beautiful mate. "Sorry I kinda zoned out for a second there. What were you saying honey?" she smirked a little when Arianna blushed at the pet name.

"W- well we were talking about graduation." She said, "Are you excited?"

"I mean I've already graduated a few times, so it's nothing new to me. It just means in a few years I'm going to have to repeat high school again." The blonde answered quietly so no one around them could hear what was being said. "Though I can tell, with you in our lives, it's going to be quite interesting."

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