Chapter 16

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Minho gained back the control of his body. He removed himself slowly from his fate . He looked at the peacefully sleeping form of his mate. He wanted to see his features. He wanted to know who he just mated. But the darkness in his room was not helping. He hence used his Alpha eyes to see in the dark.

Han: HYUNG! Don't Leave me. Stay.

When he saw his mate now. He was shocked to see the last prince of Lenora, Han Jisung, lying by his side. His wolf howled in joy to find such a beauty as his mate. He smiled at his adoring act, caressed his cheek and promised to stay by his side. He felt guilty, that he was flirting with his mate's brother so long. He understood why he was affectionate with Bangchan, as he had his mate's scent on him.

He heard a sound near the door, he turned to see, who it was. He was astonished to see his little brother, Hyunjin standing in RAGE, Hurt and mostly ANGER 💢. Hyunjin fleed out of the site, as soon as he noticed Minho looked at him. That's when it clicked to him. He remembered Hyunjin telling him, he liked Jisung. He detached himself from his sleeping mate, fut a robe over him to cover himself and rushed behind Hyunjin.
While running behind him, suddenly a bang, someone pushed to the ground in force. He looked up to see, Jin looking at him in fiery, showing all his fangs calling him for a battle. He knew why he was angry but he doesn't want to fight with him. He pushed him off him and ...

Minho : Hyunjin! Wait. Listen to me.

Hyunjin: I don't want to listen to you. I want to kill you. .... You took him away from me....

Minho: Look. Hyunjin. He is my mate.

Hyunjin: I DON'T CARE!!!! . Everyone, Every single one of you, are saying the same reason over and over again and taking away someone I like. But this time, .........I really thought he was MY MATE.....

Minho: Hyunjin. Look at HYUNG. And think ! Is Jin angry about it? Did Jin tell you he was your mate...Think... Think Please.....

Hyunjin: No. ! NO. I know, He didn't. But can't I love him? Why do you have to take him away from me?

Minho: Because, he is my MATE.

Hyunjin was too stunned to speak. He can't believe what he was hearing. That Jisung wasn't his mate. He thought he was the one for him. He wanted to hold his little hands, pet him and adore him for life. But his dreams all crashed like house of cards. He turned back to his human form. Sat down on the floor in shock , and wailed.

Hyunjin: What have I done to deserve this? Why Everyone I love is never mine? AM I MEANT TO BE ALONE.

Minho felt pity . He wanted to console, his brother but he doesn't know what to do. So he just sat beside his brother. The moment he sat, Hyunjin jolted. Got up and rushed towards the scent shouting MATE. . Minho tried to hold him back.

Minho: Hyunjin. Stop. Don't do anything stupid in FURY.


That's all it took for Minho to let him go. When Hyunjin chased behind the scent. He was shocked to see the one who was producing it and the one he never wanted and thought as his mate.

Bangchan: Hyunjin! What are you doing here? What happened to you! You don't look well.

Hyunjin pinned Bangchan in the nearby Wall with force that it hurted Bangchan. Bangchan looked in Hyunjin's eyes and saw it glow. He got scared.

Bangchan: Hyunjin. Hyunjin. Stop. Let me go. It's not funny. Hyunjin please Let me go. *cries*

Jin: Sorry. But I don't wanna be lonely.

Bangchan: No.No. Don't. NOOO!

Bangchan used all his force to push Hyunjin off him. But nothing was stopping his actions. He was fully focused on marking him as his. No matter how hard he pushed. Hyunjin was using his fangs penetrating deeper and deeper till it was a permanent mark. Once he finished his task he let go of him. Hyunjin took control of his body back.

Hyunjin: If I had knew you were my mate. I would have rather marked some random beauty than having you as my mate. Pseudo Alpha. !!!

He left Bangchan in the ground and left. Bangchan cried out both in hurt and pain. One for what had happened and other for his mate hating him.He slowly managed to lift himself up. Everything , his whole body was aching especially his heart. He felt as if it was bleeding. He was angry and ashamed of himself that he couldn't even make his Alpha love or like him. He thought his alpha would have felt him disgusting and disappointing as he was flirting and giving himself of to his  alpha's elder brother like a slut and hoe.
Bangchan, came back to his senses of realism. He just realised he has been marked by someone and what he is gonna do when his father finds out about it. What are the consequences he is gonna face and the worst was what will he do to his brothers, if he finds about it . It was worst than any nightmares he had. He cleared his mind, rushed to his room before anyone could smell the change in his scent. Took a long bath 🛀 trying to remove Hyunjin's scent off him. But he very well know he can't, as the permanent mark also means permanent scent imprint of Hyunjin on him for the rest of his life. As the mark is to tell others to back off as he his now someone's.

What is he gonna do ????


Double Update guys, Hope you like it. I know it's very soon for another update.
Long Chapter guys, hope you find it interesting. 🥺
I am sorry I couldn't upload Pics in the chapter. 🥺🙏😭 I thought I should atleast update the story for you guys as you have to wait long for my next updates... .. I'll upload some pics when I finish all my works. 🤗❤️
If you can't understand something, please be free to DM me and ask.
I hope all of you guys have a great day...
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