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I sit outside on the back porch, the steam from my coffee mug warming my face. Looking at the property from the back of the house is even better. It's so calming out here, all you can hear is the whistling of the wind and leaves rustling. As much as I appreciate the amount of peace there is here, it is a little disappointing that he doesn't have a pool. It would be the perfect thing to add to his disgustingly perfect house on his disgustingly perfect property.

I am Alpha Sebastian Moreira.

I can't get him out of my head. Not because he's my mate and he's the most attractive man I have ever seen, but because of how he acted. Okay fine, I'll admit his attractiveness plays a big part in it as well. But it's mostly his actions. After he left, I was completely confused. I mean, who wouldn't be? I expected him to at least give me more than just the bare minimum, but I didn't even get that! You know what I did get? A small adventure.

Okay I wouldn't necessarily call it 'an adventure' but its better than saying I explored the whole house and everything in it because I was bored. Except one room, there was one room that was locked, but besides that I know this whole house by heart now. I was going to keep the adventure going and go out to the horse stables, but I chose against it.

You don't go outside the white fence without me Noel.

Technically, the horse stables were inside of the white fence, but I have terrible luck so I chose life and stayed inside. Now I'm sitting on the back porch, drinking coffee and staring off into the distance. After more thinking and contemplating, I finish my cup and get off the steps, heading towards the back sliding door. Before I take a step forward, I look up and my heart sinks to my stomach. There's a man standing on the other side of the sliding door, looking straight at me. His face shows no emotion, and his eyes feel like they're burning a hole into my skull. We stay staring at each other for a while, neither of us making the first move. But after staring at him for so long, I don't think he even wants to do anything. His body language shows no interest in me, and if he wanted to do something to me I'm sure he would have a while ago.

He's just staring, and so am I.

I finally break and start moving towards the sliding door, and towards him. Would any sane person do this? Absolutely not. But I'm not about to stand outside all day and have a staring contest with some creep. So I keep walking, slowly but surely. My eyes never leave his figure, even though he still isn't moving after I've almost come at least eight feet away from the door. But as I get closer, his lips slowly form up into a smile. I stop, and my head starts to spin. Am I about do die? Is there anything I can really do in this situation?

Don't worry, you're completely safe here.

Am I? Because right now I'm face to face with a man who looks like he's ready to kill me. I take a deep breath, and as I do he turns around and walks away from me. I follow him with my eyes as he slowly makes his way towards the front door of the house. Once he reaches it, he grabs onto the door handle, opens it and walks out of the house. The moment I see the front door close I run inside and lock it, then head towards the kitchen and grab a knife. I look around my surroundings, making sure no one else is in the house as I walk around locking every single door that could possibly lead outside. What the hell do I do now?


I'm woken up by the sound of a door opening. I sit up and rub my eyes, slowly waking up from my deep slumber. I go to stand up, but then I remember why I'm in the closet in the first place. I grow very still, my eyes raking around the floor looking for the knife that just had to fall out of my hands when I fell asleep. I find it, and as I slowly reach for it I hear a voice.

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