For You | chapter 21

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"I know she gon' oot if I tell her to blitz"

5days later
DDs  pov
"melllllyyyyyyy" i dragged out her name. "you sound like a child" she yelled back. "come backkkkk" i yelled.

ion know what it is but i wanna be babied by her so fucking bad it hurts. i'm starting to believe notti when he said my love language is physical touch.

yesterday i asked mel what was her love language and she said food. fucking food. "k i'm back stink" she said walking in her room to me who was laying in her bed like a love sick puppy.

"don't call me that" i groaned. "sorry stinkabutt" she joked sitting on the bed. i wrapped my arms around her pulling across the bed bringing her closer to me.

"bae stop" she said watching her tiktoks,  fucking tiktok. she posted that tiktok from the car three days ago and the edits won't stop. some people happy some people mad. aye though, fuck it we ball.

ilani had swiped up on my story of mel calling me all type of shit. so mel sent her a picture of her holding her favorite gun, it had a green laser beam. that picture so sexy i had to go back a save it.

once she saw it i blocked her delusional ass. how the fuck she mad? we broke up. she crazy. and it's crazy cause i liked her at first. that's irrelevant now though cause i got mel.

i'll have a heart attack if we break up. "can me, you, notti, and dot go to the arcade tonight? please bae" she poked her lip out. "if you give me kisses" i bargained.

she leaned down and pecked me then stuck her tongue french kissing me. when she started to part away i grabbed the back of her head pulling her back in and started kissing her again.

i usually hate kissing girls when she got lip gloss on but hers taste like strawberry so i don't even complain. i finally let go.

"igh ma go put clothes fore we don't even leave" i mushed her head back. "k" she jumped up like a little kid. she skipped to her closet a got a shirt.

then she walked over to her dresser picking me out some jean shorts. i raised my eyebrow at how short they is. now when i first met her she didn't dress like this.

i feel like she was hiding ha drip from me.

she lifted her shirt leaving her in a black sports bra but the shirt got stuck coming over her fat ass head for a second.

"stop looking at me i feel your eyes buringgggg" she over  exaggerated "mchht i can look" i rolled my eyes mumbling.

"shut up dick head" she said pulling her new shirt over her head. "like?" she asked me. "you like it i love it" i shrugged and she pulled her joggers down and put on the jean shorts.

"i look thick in these" she turned around smirking. "yo stop playing with me fore you change" i squinted my eyes huffing.

"alright" she said picking her phone up "dot and notti ready i gotta brush my teeth and put on lotion" she said walking out her room leaving me. 

"k" i mumbled with my face buried  in her covers. she came back in five minutes later "love get up" she told me. "ughhhh" i groaned getting up.

"cmere" she opened her arms pulling me in a hug. i rubbed up and down her back as her breathing. "you alright?" i asked "yeah" she bent over putting her red foam runners on.

i threw my arm over her shoulder as we walked out. 

at arcade

"okay before we go in notti take my pictures" mel handed him her phone. "why not me?" i asked.

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