୨୧ | 05: The Truth of this World | ✩࿐

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"Okay! Today's work is finally done! Paimon would love to have a Sticky honey Roast or two, yum~!" Paimon cheered as they walked out of Albedo's lab.

Aether suddenly stopped walking making y/n slightly bump into him, the bell on her neck tinkled softly (she refuses to remove Kaeya's gift for her).

"Aether, is there something wrong?" Y/n asked. To her shock Aether bent down. 

"Get on, y/n. Your barefoot it'll be hard to walk for you..." Light pink hues slightly dusted his cheeks, Paimon had a smug look etched on her face knowing everything already, and Albedo, oh Albedo... had a slight frown, an unfamiliar feeling churning in his guts.

"Uh...okay 一"


"Yes, sir?"

The alchemist took his gloves and secured it on Y/n's small delicate hands.

"B-But you gave me your jacket already一! I can't take your gloves too! You'll get cold!"

"I'll be fine" Albedo gently pat her head. Y/n hesitantly nodded before riding Aether's back.

"Sorry you have to do this for me..." Y/n softly whispered to Aether. The Traveler slight shook his head and smiled back at her to tell her its okay.

 The Traveler, the Alchemist, and Paimon, agreed that they probably should take her home together, of course for her safety and because, it'll be hard for her to walk on barefoot

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 The Traveler, the Alchemist, and Paimon, agreed that they probably should take her home together, of course for her safety and because, it'll be hard for her to walk on barefoot. On their merry way to Dawn Winery, Y/n fell past asleep, her soft snores and Paimon's endless rant about foods drowned out the silence that had engulfed them throughout their journey.

一 Dawn Winery 一

*knock knock knock*

"It's okay, Adelinde. I'll get it" Diluc said to the maid who  nodded back at him as he opened the door.

"Traveler, Albedo, Paimon he一 who is that一? And where is my cat?"

"A-About that... haha..." Paimon nervously chuckled. Y/n stirred awake from Aether's back and tried to process on what's happening right then and there. 

She perked up immediately as she recognized where she was and eyed at a certain red-head whos was staring narrowly back at her. finally she's home~!

Lots of things happened today. The owner of the Dawn Winery eyed at the silent trio confirming his suspicions.

"Master Diluc!" Y/n got off at Aether's back to greet her owner. The female hugged him as he gave the Alchemist and the Traveler a 'Explain-this-shit-or-I'll-yeet-your-asses-off-back-to-Dragonspine-' look.

"H-Hello... erm... Dawn. You look... different today..." Diluc awkwardly uttered, a light shade of pink made its way to his cheeks as he continued to pat her  h/c locks like how he'd pat her head when she was still a cat.

'She's still Dawn. Goodness, is this a blessing or a curse?' The Dawn Winery's Master wondered to himself, sighing quietly at the process.

"Adelinde!" Diluc called out

"Yes, Master Diluc?" The head maid approached him. 

"Prepare a room and a warm bath for this Young lady please." Diluc ordered her

Without asking any other questions, Adelinde followed her Master's request bringing Y/n with her. Once they are away the red-haired looked back at the trio.

"Now, where is my explanation?"

Albedo soon explained everything... of course he left the part where he saw Y/n in his memories.

"Her real name is Y/n? That's a really pretty name!" Paimon said

'Y/n...?' Aether thought, the name rung a bell... or does it...?

"So you're saying that Da一erm一 Y/n is a human to being with?" Diluc tried to process every single piece of information that invaded his mind. Questions started to swarm his mind. 

What if Y/n isn't who she really is?

She did mention that she can't recall anything from her past but what if she's lying?

Is she a traitor?

Does she work for someone?

What if she's innocent after all? 

What if she's innocent after all? 

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sorry for the wait my dear readers, , , :')

a very big thanks to my awesome sister @amistakeandagarbage who helped me finish this chapter <33

same reminder always have a good day and take care~!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2022 ⏰

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