Chapter I

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When I first woke up, it was early in the morning. The sun was slowly ascending above the horizon, casting a golden glow into the morning fog. Mighty trees towered around me, and a few puffy clouds drifted in the sky.

I slowly crawled to my feet, taking in the rest of my surroundings. I was atop a bed of leaves, using a fallen log to rest my head. I could sense an array of hedgehogs sleeping inside the log, and a fox was hidden on the other side of the log.

Leaving the creatures to their peace, and turned towards the forest around me. I leaped off into the distance, soaring high over the treetops with each jump. I felt something ahead of me, something immortal but not a god, and as wise as the wisest primordial.

It took a few leaps for me to come upon the home of the being I sensed, and though it was quaint, it was a brilliant home nonetheless.

Atop a small mountain, there was a cave that exited into a small clearing. There was a large fire surrounded by stones, with log benches around it. Some racks were scattered around, holding pelts or weapons and tools.

Hiking up a trail towards the small camp was a centaur. A strong, brunette man with long curly hair and a full beard. From the waist below was the body of a mighty, snow-white stallion. A harness was thrown over his back, carrying 2 bundles of firewood and some pouches filled with items hidden inside. And slung across his back, a simple bow and quiver full of arrows rested calmly.

With my analysis finished, I braced myself by tending my legs and arms, repositioning myself midair to land on all fours, so I could lessen the impact of my landing. It did, though not as much as I would have wanted. The ground shook, and the ground beneath me compressed into a foot-deep, circular imprint right beside his fire.

I quickly stood up, brushing the dirt and dust off myself before turning around to face the stunned centaur, frozen at the start of his trail down the mountain.

"Good morning!" I greeted cheerfully, walking up to the centaur with a skip in my step. I stopped just 3ft in front of him, and bowed deeply. "Well, uh, good morning, young one. What brings you here?" He asked cautiously, and I could tell he was trying to determine if I was a god or not. Fair assumption, but it's funny that he thinks as such.

"I sensed your presence, centaur. While it is not like the gods, it was powerful and wise. Born into this world, I hoped I could convince you to be my guide," I answered humbly, lowering to my knees while I waited for his answer.

I could her the quiet muttering of his mouth, and the slight humming as he mulled over my words. After a few minutes of internal debate, I felt his eyes back on me. "I have considered what you have said, young one. And as long as you are willing to learn, then I am willing to help. But, you must trust my words and heed my warnings. Those who become deaf to their teachers, will not live to see the sunrise," he answered, placing his hand on my shoulder.

I looked up and smiled at him. I then stood, and went around to help him unload his supplies. "Wait! Pace yourself, that's too heavy..." he exclaimed, his voice dying as I lifted the two bundles of wood over my shoulders with ease.

I smiled cheekily at him, as I carried them over to the fire. I was about to drop them on the small flame, but the centaur stopped me. "We will want to savor that wood, child. Stack them over there, and tightly secure them so the wind does not take them," he explained, pointing to the stone wall beside the cave entrance.

I nodded, leaped over the fire, and set the bundles against the wall. I grabbed a handful of grass beside me, and pulled at it. Following my commands, the grass wove in my grip, and grew quickly into a long rope. I tied the sticks together, and fused the ends of the rope into the ground, giving strong and deep roots.

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