Turn 1: A time for new heroes

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(A quick note, this story will be combined between the manga, and the anime since I loved both of them. Hope you enjoy.)

“Oh man, this is not going well for me. You think a guy managing to get up on time for his entrance exam wouldn’t run into any obstacles this morning. I mean seriously, a twenty minute train delay? Oh well, it seems like I got my work cut out for me if I’m gonna make it.”

It was just another beautiful sunny day in Domino City, home to many that inhabited this special town for reasons known by many. Today would’ve been another normal day per the usual, but a certain someone didn’t make that clear enough. Speaking of that someone, he was currently dashing through the park.

“Excuse me! Sorry! Coming through!”

“Hey, watch where you’re going kid!

“Sorry about that! I’m in a bit of a hurry!”

He dashed though the crowd, doing his best not to hit anyone. If it wasn’t for his fast reflexes, the teen probably would’ve collided with multiple people by now. Releasing a sigh from his lips, the young man continued forward, keeping his breathing in control as he ran. Today’s exams were important for a specific reason, but as to why they were important… Well-

“I don’t got much time until I’m no longer allowed entry, but if I can cut through the park within record time, I- WHOA!!”

He ended up jumping over a dog, surprising the owner who yelped as she avoided being hit by the teen male who flew past her vision. The dog she happened to be taking for a stroll began barking towards his direction, the woman receiving a “Sorry ma’am” from the lad before he disappeared from her sight. Meanwhile, the running teen was slowly losing his breath with each step as he took off his backpack from his shoulders, unzipping it before looking inside.

“Let’s see here. I got my deck, back up cards, duel disk, and my examinee number badge. Ok, I’m all set- agh!”

A small noise escaped his lips, being cut off from his previous sentence due to the teen being knocked to the ground. Not to mention that as he fell, the boy dropped his backpack, the contents inside spilling out. It didn’t take him too long to realize what happened as he began collecting his stuff, finally putting the pieces together on why he was in a hurry for an exam that was far from normal.

“Sorry about bumping into you. I didn’t see you there.” He apologized, not taking a second to look behind him as he dusted off his cards and duel disk.

On the other hand, the figure behind him stared at the cards and disk in his hand, watching him put all his stuff away before zipping up his bag. Finishing that up, he slung his bag around, placinging it behind him on his back once more.

“... I see. So you’re a duelist?” The deep voice came out to be that of a grown man who caught the boy’s attention rather quickly. At the same time however, the man was reaching behind him into a small little black case, pulling out a card from it.

“Yeah, I am actually. I wish I could stay and talk, but-” He finally looked the older male in his eyes, shock hitting him rather quickly as the teen immediately grew stars in his sight. All he was able to say was “Wait, you’re Yu-” before getting cut off by the older man presenting him with a card.

“Here. Why don’t you take this card as a little gift from me? I’m sure it would be better to have in your hands than mine.”

The boy was given the card, staring at the cover art before reading it’s name, smiling brightly at the small present he received from the man he admired. While he was smiling like that, the older male smirked softly, turning away before taking a few steps forward. This broke the younger male out of his trance before staring at the back of the person who was loved and welcomed by millions.

When Heroes Wasn't Enough | Yugioh GX X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now