Sketchy content since you guys are Sketchy deprived

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Title explains it all. Next chapter is probably gonna be concerning pretty heavy topics so I thought I would do something lighter. 

The next chapter will probably be AS!AU angst, but it's gonna take long af to write so don't count on it.

Also Sketcy is agender/non-binary because Airy can't tell cat gender. And also because I say so.


Sketchy's POV 

I'm in the cave. The one that Airy took me into. 

I call him Airy. He calls me Sketchy. I've never had a name before. I think it's nice.

I think I can understand what he's saying. I don't think he can understand me. But it doesn't matter.

I trot towards the table. There's a big square with a white face. Multiple small white faces, I realize as I get closer. I jump up onto the stool. The big floating green circle is still there. I hop onto the table to get a closer look.

There's other objects on there. I can see a glass blue cylinder, a seat, and a big red rectangle. The blue one is away, but facing the others. They are all doing a pose, but the blue one changes, and then they change.

It's funny. I like it. 

But why are they there?

What was Airy doing?

I tilt my head, seeing movement. There's more of them. A blue and white container with a piece of grass on top and a piece of bread. The bread has mold on it.

They're just sitting there.

Maybe talking. I don't know. I can't hear them.

I could try to, though. Airy has a thing. He spoke into it and moved it when he turned. And he touched a circle on it before and after he spoke. I could try to do that.

It can't be that hard.

I turn to the thing. 

Using a paw, I poke the small circle.

"Hello? Can you hear me?" I say, looking at the ones on the green circle.

They all jump. The blue one looks around.

"Sketchy?" They ask. 

They remember me!

"Who's Sketchy?" The bread asks.

"Me. Hi. So you can hear me. Hi." I say again.

"Is that a cat?" The red thing looks around.

"Yeah. From what I remember, Airy found a cat."

"Yes. He did." I chime in.

"Sketchy, can you understand us? Meow twice if yes."

"Uh... yes, yes?"

They all look shocked. I think. I can't exactly tell.

"Ok, so, I need to know something. Is Airy an object like us? One if yes, two if no."


"Ok... what could he be?" They ask the others.

"Lantern." I say, knowing they can't understand me.

"Do you remember when he just dissapeared? Like, he fell, but there was a shattering glass sound. He could be made out of glass or something."

"Ohhh... that makes sense actually. Sketchy, is any part of him glass? One if yes, two if no."

"I... don't... what is glass?"


"I don't know what glass is."

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