30. The Plus One

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The ride to the venue didn't help calm down the nerves that slowly grasped itself around me, tightening it's hold around me as each second that trickled by brought me closer to Mr. X.

I took a deep breath as I grasped tightly at the clutch in my hands.

Julian let out a light chuckle as he cast me a look. "First time?" he asked.


His eyes back on the road, he replied simply, "Going to one of these things."

"That obvious?" I touched my hair self-consciously as I asked him, my face warming up just by a degree.

He shrugged as he offered a comforting smile. "Don't worry about it. These things are just those basic boring events where everyone likes to go around showing off how generous they can be. If anything, I'm worried you'd be bored as soon as we enter."

I smiled, taking it as his attempt to make me feel better, "Then why go?"

"My family's the one hosting this year, so you can say I have no absolutely no choice in the matter."

I nodded as if it all made sense even though I couldn't fathom having to live his life.

The closest I ever got to such events was watching my parents dress up during my junior year in high school. Mom wore a beautiful emerald green dress that brought out her eyes and dad in his best tuxedo. Their bright smiles was imprinted in my brain. I bit my lower lip as I tried to remind myself that tears would mess up the makeup that i had spent a good part of getting ready on.

Fortunately it didnt take long for us to arrive. 

Julian pulled into the hotel that stood tall against the sky-rise, piercing the dark sky as it towered over all the buildings near it. "This is us," he said as he parked the car by the entrance. "You ready, Ms Bishop?" He smiled playfully at me as if he was challenging me to a game.

I laughed, "Ready as I'll ever be, Mr Van Dyke."

The valet opened the door as we got out of the car. Julian gave one of them his keys before he ran to my side and offered a hand as he bowed his head as if we were living in the Victorian age. "Milady."

I obliged him as I curtsied playfully, "Sir," I couldn't help giggling as I did it.

Taking my right hand in his and placing it on his arm, he turned for the door, "Now to make an entrance."

The event was on the main floor. A middle aged man dressed in a navy blue suit ran towards us as soon as we entered, "Mr Van Dyke," he bowed lightly as he came to stand in front of us.

"Charles," Julian smiled at him, "Nice to see you bright and healthy. How's the missus?"

The man, Charles, face brightened momentarily before his mask of professionalism set in once again, "Amazing sir, thanks to you."

"Great to hear. Is everyone here yet?" Julian asked as he started for wherever the event was being held at.

Charles nodded, "Save for one."

Julian laughed as if he was expecting Charles' reply, "Trust Ethan to always be one for entrances."

"Can you excuse me for a second first," I asked as we neared the huge magnificent doors at the hallway. The sound of laughter and music was already evident as we neared it. "I need to go to the ladies first... to freshen up." I needed to check if my makeup had remained intact.

Julian nodded. "Sure, I'll wa-"

I shook my head. "No, you go first. I'll find you when I'm done."

Julian looked like he wanted to say something else, but I cut in, "I won't be long." I turned around and headed back down the hallway to where I had spotted the restroom when we had passed it earlier.

Bittersweet Expectations (Hate at First Flight #0.5)Where stories live. Discover now