chapter 3 ✔︎

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I arrived at the apartment, threw my backpack on the sofa and went to my room, of course not to do my homework.

I lay down in bed and fell asleep.


I woke up after about two hours and went to the kitchen to make myself something to eat.

I heard laughter from the kitchen, and when I enter I see Sola, Sunghoon and Jake eating.

"Oh, the princess woke up" says Sola.

"Yeah" I say while taking her food.

"Ya, that's mine."

"Now it's not anymore."

She rolls her eyes and goes to make ramen for her.

"Why are they here?"

"I told them to come."

"And you couldn't just call Sunghoon?"

"And leave Jake there?"


"Ya, Kim Jae In" Jake says indignantly.

I ignore him and I ask Sola.


"She's with Jay."

I look at Jake.

"I didn't ask you."

"But you didn't ask Sola either."

"What are you talking about, I asked Sola."

"If you had asked Sola, she would have looked at you, not at Sunghoon."

I look at Sola who is blushing.

I sigh, take my ramen and go to my room.

I put my head on the pillow and howl in frustration.

Why is he here too?

Why, Sola, you know he can't stand me.

I sigh and get up going to the office and trying to do my homework for the first time in history.

Anything but not Sim Jake.


In the morning, I enter the highschool and look for Yujin.

I see her next to Jay, so I go to her.

I take her hand and look at Jay.

"Today she is mine."

I took Yujin with me and went to the roof to make sure I had a safe place where I could talk to her.

"I have a big problem."

"What is it?" she asks worriedly.

"I think I'm crazy" I say while grabbing my hair in frustration.

"What happened?"

"I forgot about Sola's birthday party tonight, I have nothing to wear"

"God, I was so worried, I thought it was something bad"

"It is"

"Since when are you interested in parties? Last year on Sola's birthday you came in pajamas" Yujin says and snorts.

"And now I would come if her handsome brother didn't come"

"Aish, I have to tell Taehyun not to come, otherwise you will suffocate him"

"Yujin what am I doing" I say and start shaking her shoulders pretending to cry

"We talk after class, don't think about it anymore" she says and leaves.

"What kind of friend are you, you should be giving me advice, not leaving me on the roof"


At lunch, I went with Sola and Yujin to the table with the boys as usual.

I start eating while the others are talking.

"Jae In, why are you so quiet?" asks Sunoo.

"She doesn't know what to wear to Sola's party tonight"

"But she usually comes with the first clothes that fall out of her closet"

"I know, but Sola's brother is coming tonight" Yujin says.

Jake starts to laugh.

"And you think he'll fall in love with you?" Jake says in an amused tone.


Sola cuts me off.

"No, my brother is an important person for her, they were very good friends in childhood" Sola saves me.

Thanks Sola.

I roll my eyes at eye contact with Jake and continue eating.

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