Chapter Eight

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Kyvan did not relent on their travels as the group marched from the castle to the south. Only when Casimir convinced the ill-tempered prince that his human companions could not continue without rest did he allow them to set up camp for the evening. Kyvan growled and rolled his blue eyes at this information.

"Humans... such a waste."

Casimir took nothing by his remark, though the knight was also human. Melina, however, frowned deeply at the snide comment of her race. The knight bowed to the prince before he turned to inform the others they could set up camp for the night. Bleiz started a roaring fire while Melina pitched each tent.

Prince Kyvan ignored everybody, save for a few sporadic demands. He sat on a nearby log, studying several maps and scrolls he brought along for the journey. He did not aide anyone in setting up the campsite. Melina glanced at the man from the corner of her eyes, a bubbling annoyance building in the pit of her stomach. She did not care what his title was; to act so high and mighty was irritating to her senses.

The young woman grabbed the prince's bedroll before standing to walk to him. He did not glance up at her or acknowledge her presence. Melina lifted the bedroll higher before she let the bundle fall at the prince's feet with a dull thud in the dirt. He stared at it before raising his eyes to glare up at the girl. Melina was undeterred, her arms folded over her chest as she narrowed her eyes at the prince.

"As important as your studying is, I imagine you can stop for a moment to help your companions set up camp," said the woman.

"It is not my place to do anything of the sort. Such work is for commoners such as you," he snarled back at her, annoyed for being interrupted. Melina huffed as she planted her hands on her hips, her anger rising with each syllable that passed Kyvan's lips.

"You may get away with that haughty attitude in the castle, but out here, you need to contribute as much as everyone else."

Kyvan let out a dry, humorless laugh. "I do not need a pathetic human wench to give me instruction. I will request your advice only when I deem it worthy. Until then, hold your waggling tongue."

Melina's upper lip curled into a disparaging smile. "It was my understanding you are the one who needs our help, not the other way around. Therefore, you will expect suggestions from us, including what needs doing on your end to keep everyone else happy."

Kyvan closed the book he was reading as he stood straight and tall. He was well over half a foot taller than the young woman and carried an air of superiority. He did not look into Melina's eyes, although he considered it every time she argued back at him.

"If you cannot figure out your place as a woman and subordinate to the crowned prince, you should runoff back into the forest with the little birdies and squirrels where social pariahs like you belong!"

"Oh?" said Melina, turning her sharp glare at the black-haired man. "Maybe you should run off back in your ebony tower where you're better suited to keep the thick stick up your ass!"

Bleiz was beside his sister as he grabbed her by the arm to drag her away off to the side before Kyvan could explode back at her.

"Enough!" Bleiz hissed under his breath, "You will get us both killed with that mouth of yours."

"I don't care!" Melina snapped right back, the fire in her blue eyes, making them burn like sapphires. "There isn't a damn thing any of them could do that I will fear or dread. The only thing in this world I consider torture is traveling with a self-righteous, pompous asshole like him! Let his world burn for all I care. Better that than to have him as our ruler." And with that, she turned on her heel to storm off into the trees, disappearing from view.

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