part 1. birth

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(Bandits pov)

'where am i?' I thought. I could hear talking but who was talking? I suddenly felt myself be put on someone's chest. "Hello my little boy..." A woman said. This woman must be my mother,who seems to be happy that I was here.

(mothers pov,a few minutes ago)

It hurt like hell. I couldn't believe I was doing this with my firstborn kid. "okay ma'am, one more push should do it" the doctor said. "GAAAHHH" I yelled as loud as I could as I pushed,then laid back. The doctor did something, then I heard my baby crying. "Its a boy!" He exclaimed as he held my son,who looked almost like his father. I held my baby boy close to my chest,looking at him in amazement. "Hello my little boy..." I said,seeing him calm down.

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