chapter 6: months later

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It had almost been a year since bandit had been taken to faceless home. Faceless had financial issues and bandit would try to help. Faceless smiles at bandits attempts, but would let bandit keep his tears,which solidify and bandit would do something with them.

Bandit had a jar of tears he's cried. They all were dried and he was trying to save up to help faceless. He had tried his best to gain some weight and he wouldn't get hurt. He wanted to help faceless so much.

"william! Dinners ready!"

Bandit looked at his door and went to faceless. His purple sweater was oversized and he was being careful. Faceless put down the bowl of spaghetti and watched bandit come over. Bandit sat with faceless. "I made spaghetti today,hope that's okay" faceless said,bandit nodding. Bandit didn't talk much. He carefully ate,his orange hair long and unkempt.

-after dinner-

Faceless was cleaning up,bandit helping. Bandit had his hair up as he dried dished. Faceless looked at bandit and pat him,bandit realizing that faceless hands were wet and let out a squeak. "Come on bandit,give me a hug" faceless said as a joke.

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