For You | chapter 23

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"And if she the line, she gon' die wit' the opps"

Melodys pov
"that makes no since! you put on clothes and make up and made me drive you somewhere to take birthday pictures but won't let us give you ONE gift" dd said standing at the edge of my bed with notti and edot on one side of him and lijah on the other.

i layed in the bed looking at them in other in my sweats eating a happy meal that my lovely boyfriend bought me. " says who, it's my birthday and i shall do as i desire" i impersonated a princess.

they stale faced me. "edot fetch me some more sprite" i joked laughing. "come on we not joking" dd said shifting his weight to each foot back and forth.

he started playing with his chain which is  a factor telling me he was nervous. i raised my eyebrow. "y'all i gotta talk to dd right now" i said and they got the hint to leave.

"come here love" i said once they closed the door and he huffed letting go of his pendant and crawling in my bed up to me. he layed between my legs putting his head on my chest and wrapping his arms around my back.

"why you acting like this bae" i asked him entirely confused. he just got nervous out of no where. "y'all did something so nice for my birthday and you won't even let me give you a bouncy ball" he said with disappointment present in his voice.

"baby i'm a giver not receiver, i had no problem with getting you a gift" i told him putting my hand in his soft curls. "unless it's food" i added making him chuckle which tickled me and i started laughing at the tickling sensation.

"stop stop laughing i can't take this" i said in between laughs. he always make me laugh. i love him for it. i feel like it's really early in our relationship to say i love you so i've been biting my tongue.

like sometimes he'll do something for me and all i wanna be like is 'this why i love you son' but if he doesn't say it back i would be hurt. like so hurt i'll slide down the wall crying.

like so hurt that i'll cry until i have no more tears and i'll just be sitting there making crying noises. that's a really bad hurt. don't test me either cause i will do it.

"look y'all can get me ONE gift" i made crystal clear. "we can" dot said as him notti and lijah busted in my room. "yes my favorite people" i gave in.

"only if after you give me my gifts you watch power puff girls with me" i smiled.


"what about power book 2, tariq is real fine" i asked. "yo i just got deja vu, you said that to me before" notti pointed at me with that beautiful smile. "stop talkin like that" dd warned

"so? deal?" i asked shifting my eyes between the four of them. i inwardly sighed realizing i only spend time with boys.

i wouldn't even be suprised if people thought i was hoe anymore. everytime you see me it's a male. girls in new york think i'm boring as hell and 'i don't never wanna have fun' as they say.

pure bullshit if you ask me. or dd! i asked him a few days ago and he told me that all girls need a friend like me, he said 'i give good advice,i'm funny, i'm quiet and observant of everything' so ha!

damn i done turned into those girls who's boyfriend is there best friend. i never would've thought we would have dated. i think the fact that we didn't start off on the right leg help led us come closer as one.

oh and who was gonna tell me dude is so loyal. like he posts me, he ignores girls, and when my phone dead he hand me his phone without a doubt to continue my activities. my relationship is a W.

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