XXVII. Time For The Mission

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  Chapter 27,
  Time For The Mission

  " I don't care, if you can't get the job done, then I will. "

~ Esme's POV ~

  The week went by and today's the day for the mission, there's no way that we could have found any detail for what we were looking for so we decided that we would just have to wing it and make sure we get back home alive.
  I wanted to pee my pants when I woke up today, I didn't want to go on the mission out of fear that I could die or someone on my team could die.

   As I walked to the bathroom, turning on the lights and turning on the water, I locked the door and stripped my body clean from the clothing that I wore for bed, as I stared at my naked body that were filled with scars from missions and personal reasons, I felt tears begin to fill my eye sockets.
   I felt as my eyes couldn't hold onto the tears anymore and they slipped, I stared at my body and did a small twirl just to look at how beat up my body was from everything.

   Being mentally drained from everything can kill you, and if you let it, it will.
   That's something I don't think anyone realizes, I don't want to all my exhaustion to kill me but I don't think I could hold on for much longer and it sounds depressing.

    As my breath left my mouth, I walked into the tub and got in, I let the hot water break my cold skin and I just relaxed my muscles.
   Sometimes I think of all the things that I could have done the day I was pushed into this school, I could have ran away the first night and made sure that I got home safely.

   I could have screamed and begged my parents to let me stay home, make a deal and make sure I did all the chores in the house with little to no complaints, I could have cried my lungs out and made them feel as if they were had parents for kicking me out the house to go to this school.
   But i didn't fight, I didn't yell, I didn't throw a tantrum, I packed my bags and left without a single word because the anger consumed me and made me stay silent.

   The venom burned through my veins as they dropped me off in front of the airport and drove away quickly without saying goodbye to me, with hatred coursing through my veins, I didn't have enough time to cry and make them want me to stay.
   Instead, I gave them even more reasons to push me away and that's where I went wrong, I should have done something but I didn't.

   As I scrubbed my body with my loofah, I let all my anger and frustrations out on my body which is something I don't recommend but I do it anyways for the reason that I hold a lot of things inside.
  I'm sure everyone else holds everything inside as well, if they have a random burst of anger then they're seen as someone who is mentally unstable and should not be let out of the house, they should be in an insane asylum.

   Getting out the shower was the hardest part for me, I didn't want to come out because I felt at ease when the water hit my body, I felt relax and felt like nothing could hurt me.
   But I had to get out anyways, so I wrapped the pink fluffy towel around my body and walked out of the bathroom, walking to my dorm and entering my room.

    I locked the door and looked around, in search for my roommate before I drop the towel and make sure that I am fully dry before deciding to put on my clothes that I had ready for the mission, my outfit was going to look amazing on me.
   Once I was fully dried, I put my under clothes on and grabbed my deordant, after putting it on, I began to get dressed.

    Halfway through getting dressed, I began to get nervous as if this was my first day of school and I was going to be meeting people that I didn't know or want to see, which is true except it's not my first day of school.
   I just have to relax and remind myself that everything will be alright, I don't know if this mission will be alright but I know that it is going to be just fine.

   After getting dressed, I walked in front of my full length mirror and smiled, I was just crying because of how beat up I looked but this outfit covered everything that I wanted to cover, the correct way.

  Outfit Inspiration

  Outfit Inspiration

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    As I walked down the stairs and walked to the entrance, I took a deep breath and opened the door, Jordan was wearing an all black suit, Brady was wearing a dark red suit, Amara was wearing a green dress while Elijah was wearing a white suit.
  Everyone looked amazing, I smiled at them and walked over but as I did, I noticed they were all angry with one another and I didn't know if it was due to something being said or stress.

    "What, what's going on?"

  I stammered out my words, Elijah looked at me and rolled his eyes before looking away.

  "Amara doesn't think she can do her part of the mission, that's why we're all so pissed."

   Elijah finally informed me, I looked at him and then looked at Amara as she bit her bottom lip and looked away from me, I looked at her with a little bit of anger.
    " I don't care, if you can't get the job done, then I will. "

    I stated, Amara can do her part in the mission, she's told me a bunch of times that no matter what she's feeling, she will always finish her job and get the mission done.

   So why the hell is she backing out, now.

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