The Warriors Are Home

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    I was awoken by a loud bang upon my large wooden doors. It was followed by my guard announcing, "your ladies in waiting princess."

    "Enter," I said as I sat up and rubbed my eyes trying to not feel so exhausted.

In seconds four women enter my room, Evangeline, the youngest of the four came straight over to me and helped me out of my bed. As if I cannot do it on my own. I'm treated as a child still, but I understand it's because I'm a princess. Although at 17 I long for some privacy. The other three women are bustling about the large wooden floored room, hanging my linens for the day and getting my bath warm and ready for washing. I cross my room to the small round wooden tub. Evangeline helps me take my long white sleep dress off of my body. The fabric sleeps down my body in a heap on the floor. I take a step into the tub and am met with warm water. Goose bumps rise on my skin, and I relax into the water. My lady Scarlett begins washing me as the rest of the women do their daily chores about my room. 

"How are you this morning princess?" Scarlett, the older plump woman asks me.

"Tired. I haven't slept well." For the last two weeks, I've had trouble sleeping. I've been restless and feel as though something isn't right.

"I'm so sorry mistress. Is there anything we could do to help you? I could ask the healer to make you something for sleep my lady." Scarlett says while washing my body gently.

"That would be fine," I say gratefully. Honestly, I doubt anything could help me rest at this point. The restlessness seems to be more than something a little potion could fix.

We finish up with the bath and head over to my dress for the day. The fabric is a crushed velvet that's a vivid green. Gold flower details cascade down the dress. The sleeves are loose and airy. My long messy red hair cascades down my back, with my tiara sitting gracefully upon my head. One of the ladies slip my small shoes on my feet. The loud ringing of the announcement bells travels through the halls and my ladies halt and listen. Evangeline scurried over to the window and pushed it open. I made my way over and peered out. A large pack of wolves were standing at the golden gates as the open.

"It's the warriors! They're back!" she exclaimed. A smile crept onto my face. This is amazing news as it means we won yet another battle.

My father's kingdom is the strongest in the realm due to us having the only wolf army. Vasarius, the alpha of the warriors, was an accomplished leader of his pack. He also serves the king with loyalty. But I couldn't spot him in the large pack of wolves. His wolf was usually easy to spot as it's the biggest. The ladies hurry me out of my room and down the long corridor to the throne room. My parents were seated on their thrones at the head of the large room. I quickly pass through the room to my small chair to the left of my beautiful queen mother.

" The warrior pack your majesties." a guard announces.

The double doors open with a loud bang and at least 200 men enter the throne room. A tall man with dark hair kneels in front of my father. His face is looking towards the ground, but I wish he'd look up. 

"The kingdom of Westward has been defeated my king." the man's voice was like silk. Deep and husky.

"Rise Alpha." my father said while gesturing for him to stand.

Alpha? What about Vasarius? If that's the new alpha, then it has to be Tyant. He was a boy when I last saw him but who is in front of me is a man. Finally, the new alpha stands and I finally see his face. He has a strong jaw, dark stubble that matches his hair and his skin is tan. My heart skips a beat when his eyes look into mine. They glow orange as he gazes at me for a mere second before the snap to the king. I feel myself longing for his eyes to be on me again. 

"I was sorry to hear of the death of Vasarius." my father gave his condolences to the new alpha and his pack.

"Thank you, my king. He died protecting the kingdom as we all would. I'd like to express our ongoing loyalty to you, your majesty." Tyant expressed.

"We must celebrate the victory of our kingdom and the warriors who fought in it!" rejoiced my father and everyone cheered. 

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