Staring at the princess

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    "We must celebrate the victory of our kingdom and the warriors who fought in it!" rejoiced my father and everyone cheered.

    "Sounds like a lovely idea." My mother agrees with my father. " The celebration will begin tomorrow with a breakfast feast in the courtyard!"

    Everyone began to exit the throne room, including Tyant. He glanced back at me before he exited the room making my stomach erupt into butterflies. I stood up and made my way back to my chambers.
    The next morning began like the morning before. Waking up, washing, dressing, and heading to my parents. Even though today was going to be different, my mornings were always the same. My mother, symone, greeted me with a smile. Her green eyes showed how much she loved me as I took my place next to her. Our eyes were similar although, mine was a brighter youthful green while hers were a powerful green. Her hair was also red like mine but graying at the roots.

    "Good morning Cerys," Father said in a gruff tone.

    "Good morning Father."

    My father is a great king. He loves his people and rules them with dignity and grace. He's a fair old man with grey hair that reaches just past his shoulders, a full beard, and gold eyes. Although he is very intimidating.

    "Shall we head to the festivities?" my mother asks us with an excited grin on her round face.

    "Yes, that sounds nice," I answer and stand.

    When we reached the courtyard, the guards announced us. Everyone began to bow as we passed by them. I smile and greet people happily. It wasn't long before we were seated at a long mahogany wood table that couldn't be more than five inches above the ground. On the ground around the table lay pillows covered in green, gold, and black materials. White roses were in large gold vases on the table. It was beautiful. It was so beautiful that it took me a while to notice the pack seated on the floor around the table. I also failed to notice I was sitting directly across from Tyant.

    My breath catches in my throat as we make eye contact. I don't understand why I'm feeling so nervous around this man. When we were young I didn't feel anything toward him. He holds my gaze for what seemed like a century. I feel my cheeks heat up and I look away trying to act interested in whatever was being said at the table. His stare felt like it was burning the side of my face. My eyes snap back quickly to him against my will. He seemed like he was trying to tell me something without saying anything but I didn't understand.

    "Tyant! Did you hear me?" a young man sitting to his right nudged him. This snapped Tyants eyes away from me for the first time since we sat.

    "Sorry, I was distracted." Tyant looked at me out of the corner of his eye.

    Again, my cheeks heated. I probably looked like a ripe tomato. Was he flirting with me? The two talked for a while telling war stories. I listened carefully to not miss anything he said.

    "May I ask how old you are, princess?" A deep voice that I knew due to my studying of it said.

    I looked up from my plate and at Tyant as I spoke, "Yes you may, I've just turned 17 two weeks ago." I tried my best to not sound so nervous.

    "I didn't realize you were quite that old yet, princess." It felt like he was staring into my soul. Like I could feel his thoughts.

    "Please sir, call me Cerys. Princess is a bit too formal for someone I use to play with to call me." I wanted to hear my name come from his mouth. I was longing to hear it.

    "Cerys." His voice rasped.

    It felt as if we were the only two people in the large fabric-covered tent even with 20 other people sitting around. We didn't speak for the rest of the breakfast. Every time I glanced at him, he was looking at me. My body yearned to be next to him. I'd never felt this way before. It's odd.

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