God, I love you. (F)

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FtM!Draco x Cis!Harry

Muggle Au

Warnings(?): Established Relationship between Draco and Harry, Transgender Male, Comforting words

         Draco was worried. Which could be easily spotted due to his pacing in his office, and the fidgeting of his ties. It felt like he was going to throw up. He had arrested multiple big time criminals, and even they seemed like a piece of cake. He was about to admit something.. very personal to his boyfriend. It's not like he didn't think harry would approve of him or anything. Its just a very nerve-racking thing to do, even if you trust that person full heartedly. Upon hearing his door open, he coughed and looked up at his boyfriend. His messy jet-black hair laid upon his head, covering his abnormal lightning scar (Which caused Draco to call him "Bolt" for the first year of their relationship from the Disney children's movie.) Draco loosened his tie, and looked directly into his Harry's eyes. 

      " Harry?" Draco murmured, growing even more nervous as the boy cocked his head at the questionable tone.

     " Yes, Love?" Harry asked walking over to the taller boy and grab his hands to steady them. To him, Draco had always appeared somewhere in-between feminine or masculine. Draco, after feeling Harry's hands cup his felt his nerves melt away. 

     " There's something I've been keeping from you for awhile.. please don't get mad, har." If you looked closer you would spot the quivering of Draco's lip as he was about to admit the most personal thing about himself. This caused Harry to grow nervous, as he had spotted the lip quivering almost immediately. 

   " What is it, hun?" Harry sat down on the other males desk as his knees began to feel weak-- he must've thought Draco was breaking up with him, which wasn't the case of course.

  " I.. " Draco's breath got caught in his lungs as he hoarsely admitted, " I'm Trans. I wasn't born a man. I'm sorry. " Draco immediately started rambling, his nose being dusted with red as he sniffled. It felt like a relief to even get that off his chest. This surely shocked Harry. He knew his boyfriend seemed abit feminine, but never would he suspect he would be trans-- he wasn't complaining though of course, he loves Draco for Draco. 

   " I'm not mad, dray. You're a man, you couldn't help not being born one. Its not something we get to choose. "  He pressed a kiss to the others cheek, comfortingly. Draco wanted to cry. This was not the validation he wanted, but instead the validation he needed. Harry pulled Draco close to him, resting his head on the others chest as he murmured about how he only saw a real man, and he fell in love with him for him, not what is in his pants. 


There went the first tear cascading down Draco's cheek as he buried his face against his lovers mop of hair, he felt so loved. Squeezing Harrys head to his chest as he let out broken sobs. It felt as though all the weight off his shoulder was lifted up with Harrys validation and unconditional love. 

Drip, Drop.

 More and More tears fell from his silky skin, from pure happiness. Harry pulled away from his boyfriend and wiped his tears away gently.

   " How about a cup of tea, love?" He mummered, he knew any type of tea cheered Draco up. Draco almost immediately smiled, and leant into Harry's touch nodding. 

  " God, I love you. " Draco said, pressing a kiss to Harrys chapped lips.

I hope you guys enjoyed this :D

Words: 598

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