will you marry me?

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Jack and seek were in a room talking quietly about how seek wanted to propose to figure "so seek how are you going to propose to figure?" Jacked asked "the simple way" seek said "Ok. But you don't have a ring. How are you going to propose without a ring" Jack said "I don't know..? maybe I could go out to get one" seek said "Ok. do you want me to come with you to help you pick out a ring?" Jack asked seek "yeah" seek said jack and seek were leaving the room when they left they saw almost most of the entity's listening to their conversation "sooo~ whos the lucky guy~?" Ambush said teasing seek "..how much did you guys hear?" seek questioned "we heard everything" halt says "fuck.." seek said "Hey don't worry were not here to judge you" rush said putting his hand on seeks shoulder "wee waant tooo heellp youu" screech said everyone chatted in agreement "alright fine." seek sighed "So when do you want to have your wedding? where do you want it to be located and how do you want it to look?" ambushed asked with a notebook and pencil in his hand "maybe next week and suprise me with the location and decorations" seek said "Alright" ambush said taking notes "ok so glitch, shadow, and screech find a spot for the wedding me, halt, timothy and rush will get the decorations" ambush said the entity's nodded and they all went their parted ways to do their part.

While seek and jack were out looking for rings. ambush, halt timothy and rush were also out looking for decorations. The rest of the entity's were searching for a location for the wedding . "whhat aboutt thhe llibrarry" Screech said "thats to obvious" glitch said "yeah. What about the garden" shadow said "That's a great idea" glitch said "soo whhat noow?" screech asked "we wait for the others to return" shadow said

"Since this is a wedding we should go with a romantic theme" ambush says "yeah I agree" rush said " me too" timothy says "how about we split up I'll go with ambush rush and timothy you guys can go together" halts says. They all spilt up and 30 minutes later they find decorations for the wedding and head back to the hotel they find the other's snd began to decorate the garden for the wedding that was planned for next week.
Jack helped seek find a ring for figure afterward they came back to the hotel seek went to look for figure to propose. "Figure." seek called out "hello..?" figure walked over to the sound of seeks voice and when seek saw figure he gave him a hug. figure was suprised  but hugged him back "seek?" figure was puzzled by seek random giving him a hug seek pulled away from the hug and started to give his speech "figure when I first met you, you gave me a feeling I never felt before and I liked it" seek says kneeling down on one of his knees  "I love you so much with all my heart" seek takes figures hand and putting it to where his heart would be "without you I'm lost and I want to be with you will you make me the happiest entity and marry me?" seek asks seek everthing when slilent seek stood up feeling stupid but he felt figure hugs him tightly "YES! A THOUSANDS TIMES YES!!" Figures says eagerly seek felt a mix of emotions when figure said yes.

The other entities congratulated seek and figure.

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