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Opening your eyes once again you didn't realize you fell asleep. It seems like you have been more tired lately and haven't been aware of everything around you.

Getting up drenched to the bone but only on the back of your clothes. "Well duh y/n, you were laying down in wet grass." you mutter to yourself as you walk to your bike.

Looking down at your watch you see that it's 2:00 p.m. getting on the bike you bike back home.

*Time Skip 30 Minutes*

Getting in the door out of breath and soaked you walk to the kitchen to get a glass of water. "Y/n honey! I was just looking for you!" mrs.henderson says while walking into the kitchen.

"Nancy was wondering if you would like to hang out, she just called" she says sitting down at the table. "How did nancy know I live here?" you say leaning on the counter

"She asked dustin to get your number, and he told her that you were here," she says. "Ok... where is it..?" you ask while walking to the kitchen table. "She lives with mike ill give you the address," she says getting up and going to the address book.

Going to your room you grab the box beside your bed and grab new clothes.

Going to your room you grab the box beside your bed and grab new clothes

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After changing you walk out to the kitchen where mrs.henderson hands you a card with nancy address on it. "2530 Maple Street, Hawkins, Indiana" it read.

"Any time in need to be home..?" you ask while putting on your shoes.

"Just be home before 9 unless you're having dinner there, and make sure to come home with dustin" she says. "Ok thanks, mrs.henderson." you shout out to her from the front door.

Shutting the door you get on your bike and start to bike to nancys house.

Feeling the chilly autumn air hit your face, you take a deep breath in it felt like you just drank ice water and it went to your lungs.

Feeling the the wind in your hair, just then you see a car in the distance "better move over" you think. Just before you could make it to the left side of the road the car almost runs you over.

Falling off your bike onto the damp dead grass you look behind you to see the car racing off. "Of course its him" you mutter. getting up you brush yourself off and get back on your bike. "to nancys" you mutter

~Time Skip 30 Minutes~

Out of breath you walk up the driveway and knock on the door. Mike opens the door "who are you?" he asks while dustin and 2 other boys walk up behind him. "i'm uh dustin cousin" you say hunched over hands on your knees.

"I'm here to see na-" you take a deep breath "nancy" you look up to see no one in the doorway just nancy on the stairwell. "Come on in!" she says cheerfully walking to another room. You follow her closing the door behind you.

"May i have a glass of water please..?" you say gasping for another breath of air. "Yea! What took you so long its a 15 minute bike ride from dustins house" she says grabbing a glass. "I got lost and a car almost hit me" you say grabing the glass of water from her hand and chugging it.

"What color was the car?" she aks pulling up a chair and sitting next to you. Finishing your water you gasp for breath "Well it was obvisally what was his name.." you trail off.

"Billy thats his name" you say wiping your mouth with your sleeve. "Billy..?" she says looking at you confused "how did you know it was billy" you look at her "Well he was driving his blue camero and by the music i heard it just assumed" you say leaning back in the chair.

"Well it sure sounds like him" she says getting up and walking out of the kitchen. "Come on" she walks back in and grabs your wrist. "Where are we going..??" you ask "my room i wanna talk to you about the party. "You think im going to be immature?" you laugh to yourself while getting dragged up the stairs.

Sitting on nancys bed you take off you shoes and place them beside her bed. "So whats this about?" you ask. Nancy shuts the door "ok so me and steve are going to the party and we will probably be doing are own thing." she says trailing off. "Ok thats fine i need to make some new friends anyways" you say "well i was going to ask want us to drive you?"

Nancy says sitting next to you, "sure that would be nice" putting your knees to you chest you ask "what do you want to do now?". Nancy looks puzzled before you both hear a knock on her window.

*Edited 9-21-22*

Just Another •Billy Hargrove x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now