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Looking over you see steve, nancy rushes to the window and opens it. It now felt awkward.. Nancy, you, and steve. "Your not supposed to be here!" nancy whispers to steve. "Its fine" he kisses her and crawls through the window.

Getting up the two fall onto the bed together at this point almost making out. Opening the door you hear nancy giggling telling steve to stop. Going downstaird you decide to look for dustin. "Dustin?" you call out.

"Where down in the basement!" he yells out. "Where is that?!" you look around "its next to the stairs" he yells once again. Opening the door you walk down the stairs feeling the soft carpet on your feet.

"Dustin..?" you turn around the corner and see dustin, mike and two other boys sitting around a table. "Who are the other two..?" you ask sitting on the steps. "This is lucas and will" mike says.

"Nice to meet you" you stand up and reach your hand out to shake theirs. "Nice to meet you y/n" lucas says. "How did you know my name..?" you cross your arms and look at them confused.

"Dustin told us all about you!" will said "you sound so cool!" lucas adds on. "Well that means a lot, what are you guys playing?" you ask. "Just a silly board game" mike looks down fumbling with his fingers. "No no it looks fun!" you say putting your hands on your hips.

"Its called d & d" lucas says "oh! Dongens and dragons?!" you s ay exsidally. "You know it?!" will says his face lighting up with joy. "Yea i only kinda know how to play" you say grabbing a chair over to the table and sitting down.

"Where in the middle of a game but you can watch!" mike says "alrighty sounds fun!" you say crisscrossing your legs and watching the boys play.

~Time Skip 2 Hours~

"That was so fun!" lucas says while sitting down on the couch. "I agree" will adds on sitting next to him. "So what's nex..." as you look over your shoulder everything was like that dream you had.

Everything was dark,cold and most of all slimy. You hear voices, "y/n?" someone says "y/n are you ok can you hear me!?" you another time. You get up looking around the cold vainy basement.

It was like everything was dead, worst of all it was horribal to breath. You close your eyes trying to wake yourself up. Shaking your head, pinching yourself, running into things.

After what felt like hours you sat down on the floor, and just then you open your eyes. Gasping for air all the boys look terrified. "What happened?! I just had some wacky dream" you say standing up from the chair.

"It was no wacky dream..." will says turning around from the table. "Then what was it?" you ask. "Its called the upside down" he says looking at you. "The upside what?"

"The upside down" he says moving all the game pieces off the board and turning it upside down. "This happened to me last year" he trails off while the boys crowd around the table. "What did?" you ask going to the table.

"Last year i went to this place called the upsidedown" will says looking at you "well thats what we call it" mike buts in. "ok and its obvisally some wacky dream we probably both had?" you say.

"No its real alright... no one believes us" will says turning back to the table. "You promise not to tell anyone?" dustin asks. "Yea sure sure just tell me whats going on" you say

"Promise??" lucas adds in. "yes" you look at him. "Alright. Tell her" mike says and they all nod in agreement. "You see this?" will aks as he turns the board rightside up again. "This is us the world we know" he says "there is a world that we don't know though" he turns the board upsidedown

"This is the upsidedown" he looks at you, you nod in agreement. "It basically are world but gross and slimy." your eyes widen "so it wasent a dream?!" you step back in shock. "No" will keeps his eyes on the board. "You somehow got in there but you have never had this happen before..?" will looks at you.

"No not that i know of." you walk back to the table. "The upsidedown has opened because of a portal in the lab of hawkins." will says "that big building i saw coming here with the tall fence?"

"Yea that one" you sit back into your chair. "So... why is this happing or-?" you ask crossing your arms. "We still don't know yet.." will says. "So now i guess im a victim?" you cross your arms.

"wel l for all we know yes." lucas says. "What even happened to will last year..?" you ask curiously. "I told you already" dustin rolls his eyes. "Was it that story why i couldnt come last year?" you looked at him confused.

"Yea and also you wernt ready" he says. "Just be carefull" will says picking up the game piece that fell on the floor. "Well great" you mutter to yourself. "Boys nancy dinner!" mikes mom yells.

The boys run upstairs while you trail behind them, nancy was already at the table. You sit next to her and mike "where were you y/n??" whispers to you. "I left to go downstairs because of you and steve" you whisper back.

"Oh.. sorry" she says fumbling with her dress. "I forgive you if your wondering" you say leaning over and giving her a side hug. "Thanks it wont happen again" she says smiling at you.

"So how was your day..?" mrs.wheeler asked. "It was good" nancy said. "So uhm.." nancy plays with her food with her fork. "There is a small party at a friends house tomorrow and me and y/n would like to go" she says looking up and looking at you.

"Oh yea! I want to make same new friends and get to know the place" you say smiling at mrs.wheeler. "Well as long your home before 9 i think its fine" mrs.wheeler says. "Great thanks mom." nancy says before eating again.

~Time Skip To After DInner~

"Come on y/n!!" dustin yells from the front door "ok bye nancy ill come over at 2:00 tomarrow?" she nods her head. "ok bye!" she says while giving you a hug. "See you tomorrow" you say closing the front door behind you.

"Took you long enough now its getting dark." dustin says getting on his bike. "Ah sure sure it was like 2 minutes." you kick his leg lightly. "Whatever lets just get home before dark" he says starting to bike away. "Sounds good to me" you get on your bike and follow him.

*Edited 9-25-22*

Just Another •Billy Hargrove x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now