Chapter 1: First Meet

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Louis' POV

~•~•~•~•~• 3 years ago•~•~•~•~•~

I was walking down a corridor, minding my own business, when I heard Glenn and his friends snickering behind me. I'm used to it though, being mocked for being emotionless.

It's not my fault, but I also couldn't blame them. I'm a cold person, everyone thinks I'm mute. So they wouldn't dare even say a word to me, since they know I wouldn't respond much.

Having Alexythemia makes my sentence shorter that I sometimes just nod when confirming something. This condition is the reason why I was the target of most bullies. But I don't complain much, as long as they don't touch me, we're even.

I ignored Glenn and his idiot friends, I wasn't even listening though. They just keep repeating the same sentence over and over again. I'm honestly getting sick of it, but it's not like I could do something.

As I was walking away, I heard a girl's voice from behind, yelling at Glenn and his friends.

"What's your problem? Why would you pick on somebody who's not even bothering you? Honestly, you're so pathetic!"

I turned around and saw a first year college student girl glaring at them. I walked forward to the girl and pulled her away before Glenn could even say a word.

I took her away to an empty hallway to talk, but before I could open my mouth, she already spoke.

"You too, what's wrong with you? Would you just let those brats bully you? Are you nuts?" She questioned.

I nodded coldly.

"Wow! You're just as pathetic as they are!" She scoffed.

I just shrugged and walk away. I can hear her mutter a silent 'ungrateful brat'. I couldn't care less, she can say all she want, I'm just gonna continue ruling my life.

Because of all the drama earlier, I was late for 10 minutes in my Chemistry Class. But I don't care, I'm not that good at school anyways, what's the point.

I'm only going to school so that I could continue working on my job as a pool cleaner, who only hires college students. I'm too lazy to even bother finding a real job. My parents wouldn't even help me financially since I'm already 21 years old. Compared to my older brother, he already has a business going even he's still in college. But I'm not complaining, at least I was given something rather than nothing.

The class went on and on, and by the time the bell rang for recess, I was once again left alone all by myself. Like I'm not used to it, I like being alone rather than being with anyone.

Being accompanied by someone makes me a little uncomfortable. Compared to being alone, I can think free. Without anyone judging anything I say or do.

I was walking silently towards the library when I spotted the girl. She took one glance at me and spun around to leave. Maybe she doesn't like how my attitude was earlier.

I entered the library to see it's deserted. Of course it is, most kids are at the canteen, eating.

I grabbed a sci-fi book and sat down at a corner. Some students entered after some time.

As the library got crowded by the second, I saw the same girl enter as well. She hurried to the fantasy section and started taking some books. I kept on reading my book when I noticed someone join my table. I looked up and saw that it was the same girl earlier.

She sat at a chair in front of mine and started reading. I didn't bother looking up since I'm busy reading. She probably noticed this, because she took my book and started scanning it.

"You're into sci-fi? That's odd. Most guys like r-18 magazines."

I was shocked of what I heard. Seriously? Not all guys are like that. My friends and I aren't.

"Anyways, I came here to ask if you're planning to thank me from earlier. I mean, I did save you."


"And......? That's all?"

I just nodded and grabbed the sci-fi book away from her. She scoffed madly and walked away. What was she even expecting from me?

~•~•~•~•~•1 week later•~•~•~•~•~

It's been a week and I haven't seen the girl again. It was confusing, but what was I expecting? The answer is easy though, she hasn't showed up because she doesn't want to. Logically speaking, she hates me.

I mean, who doesn't? A self absorbed snob who keeps his head on sci-fi books. People also thinks I'm stupid, since I'm having C's in most of my subjects.

Like, seriously. Who even thinks college is a piece of cake? It's not like they don't have any problems in acing their subjects. We're all just the same.

I was heading home after my last period, when I spotted the same girl. She was waiting at the bus stop just right outside the campus.

She was later on approached by a second year, Eric, holding a bouquet of flowers. She stood up, took the flowers, went up the dust bin, and threw it inside. This girl is insane! Who rejects a guy shamelessly? She could've at least brought it home before she threw it away. She's more pathetic than I am.

The boy frowned before walking away. I feel sorry for him, but who cares about it anyway. I should just keep on minding my own business, before I bump into that girl again.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2022 ⏰

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