A Royal And A Rebels Tale {1/3}

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"Mx. (Y/N), I presume?" A older fellow asked you once you stepped inside the room. You nod, quietly walking closer to the man. A small plaque with the name 'Headmasters Grim,' was written.

Ah, makes sense. Brothers Grimm Fairytales, haha, jokes.

Wait a second, shouldn't their be two? Maybe he works as a janitor or something?

"Welcome to Ever After High, your mother informed me and the school board that your sudden transfer here was.. Well, unexpected. But, I do hope you enjoy your stay here and learn and grow into your destined role."

"Role?" You questioned, mostly to yourself.

"Yes. Your place in your fairytale, your destiny. To become what your parents were in thier story."

"So, I have to study to become a doctor? Do they have classes here for that?"

Headmasters Grimm gave you a odd look. "No, your story." He reconfirmed. You gave him a puzzled stare, but don't bother to ask anymore questions, he looked like he was getting annoyed with you anyway.

Maybe you should ask Raven at lunch.

If you could find the cafeteria in this big-ass building that is definitely a castle.

The Headmasters hands you a paper and a map. "Here are your classes, you are allowed to change them during the first part of the semester, if they aren't to your liking. Oh, and Legacy Day practice is mandatory for all students."

"Okay, cool. Thank you," you say joyfully.

You start to look over your classes and map. Opening up the Headmasters door, leaving quietly as you mumble the classes under your breath. The Headmasters stared at the closed door, "what a odd student."


After wandering the halls, you find yourself standing outside a room that you hoped was a classroom.

"Hmm, is this my first class?" You peek inside the room, watching a tall blonde headed woman lecturing a few teens around your age. They stood straight as a board as they read out what ever was written on their paper.

"Louder please! A Royal must always have the confidence and volume to read out a important speech. Especially since Legacy Day will be upon you." The woman bellows, giving a hawk eye at anyone who slipped up.

One of the students catch your figure by the doorway, gesturing you to come in with a lovely smile on his fair face.

"Come in~" He whispers once the teachers eyes are no longer on him.

"Uh, noooo." You whisper, shaking your head rapidly. Making a 'x' mark with your hands before sticking out your tung like you died. The male muffled his giggles at your resistance. But get backs to speaking once the teacher noticed his voice not joining the other students.

"Okaaieee, clearly this isn't my class. Woops," you say. Discreetly walking back into the hall, leaning against the wall as you look over your schedule. "Magicology for the first runner up!" You smile widely, could you actually learn magic here?

Wait, what if this class isn't learning it buy using it?!

You can't use magic?! You can barely figure out how you and your mom even got here?!

"Hooo~ Okay, chill. I can figure this out, just... Think positive, maybe. If I learn magic, mom and I can find a way back. Yeah! Then- No, first, find class." You huff determinedly, patting your face to mentally perpare yourself for the journey of finding your right class.

I Want A Story? {~Ever After High ~} Yandere Genderbend Various x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now