~11 insta~

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📍Aigeus-Mortes, France.
Liked by charles_leclerc and 395.295 others.
@daphnejules: a night out with my friends to celebrate my overnight fame which is most likely because of a certain someone who promised not to comment but did anyway. #nightout #celebrating

Tagged: @tammybeau @lizzieraphael

@user1: gorgeous!!
@user2: omg your city is so pretty!!
@charles_leclerc: have fun, ma chérie!
   @daphnejules: aww! Merci, mon amour.
   @charles_leclerc: i really wanna see you again!
   @daphnejules: me too!!
   @charles_leclerc: that outfit looks so amazing on you!
   @daphnejules: merci, mon amour!
@user3: she is so gorgeous!!
@user4: how can she be this amazing!!
@tammybeau: this was an amazing night!!
   @daphnejules: tell me about it!
   @tammybeau: probably mostly because of someone video calling you.
   @daphnejules: 😊 i know. He was so amazing.
   @tammybeau: I'm happy he makes you so happy.
@user5: she is so amazing!!
@user6: that street is so gorgeous!!
@lizzieraphael: you are one gorgeous woman!
   @daphnejules: look at yourself honey!
   @lizzieraphael: all because of someone who is good in fashion and make up!!
   @daphnejules: you give me too much credit!
   @lizzieraphael: but it's true!!
@user7: so amazing!
@user8: charles is so freaking lucky!!
@maxverstappen1: how in god's name did Charles get you to like him?
   @charles_leclerc: oh shut up!
   @daphnejules: no hate on my insta please! 😘🙏🏻
   @maxverstappen1: 🙏🏻 that's lewis his thing. 😂
   @charles_leclerc: we won't fight, Ma chérie!
   @daphnejules: thank you!!
@usee9: she is so adorable!
@user10: how can she be this sweet?? And look like that?? 😍
@landonorris: i wanna go there!!
   @daphnejules: you should! It's beautiful!!
   @landonorris: will you show me around?
   @daphnejules: yes! I will!!
   @landonorris: thank you!!
@used11: she is so sweet to the drivers!!

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