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Narration: My name is Catitlyn and I am from Piltover and I have been investigating some stuff going around my district. I need help though I can't figure out who is behind any of it so I asked my boss Grayson to see if she knows anything.

Grayson: Uhhh Caitlyn it's nice to see you again sorry I haven't been around lately I've had personal business to attend. So how is it been going?

Caitlyn: It's been going great actually but somethings have been happening unexplainable things. People disappearing, people getting murder. Any time I try asking no one will give me an answer because they are to scared to say something. Do you know who I could talk to.

Grayson: Sometimes it is best to stay out of things that has nothing to do with you. I know you want answers but you could get hurt searching for them. Caitlyn it's best if you just let this go to keep your family and you safe. Have a good day Caitlyn.

Caitlyn leaves Grayson's office wondering why she basically pushed her out of there not giving any answers at all that. She was all confused she is just trying to do her job but I know I have to keep searching and ask around to see why people from Zaun are in my district and why everytime they are here something always happens.

*Phone rings*
Grayson: Hello lieutenant Grayson here.

Unknown: Tell her to stop looking she is basically digging her own grave.

Grayson: I swear if you touch her at all we will have a problem and I will expose you for who you really are.

Unknown: Meet me in Zaun at the usal spot at 6 and we can talk there because they are always listening.

*Phone call ends*

Grayson keeps her eyes on the clock not focusing on what's going on around her and who is talking to her trying to figure out if she should tell someone. 6 hits and she gathers her stuff and make sure she is not being followed any where she goes to The last drop and orders a drink. Waiting patiently until he came in and sat right next to her.

Silco: I'm glad you showed up, I can tell you care about Caitlyn. If you care about her so much why haven't you stopped her from investing!?

Grayson: I told her to stop looking into these crimes that you guys are doing! You don't know her she won't stop she will keep looking until she finds you guys and ends you all.

Silco: And why do you think it's us hmmm?

Grayson: Everyone is to scared to speak but I know who you are. And I swear if you hurt or even touch Caitlyn I will end you.

Grayson leaves the bar and is heading to the train to go back home while she was on the train a group of people came on and well. The train got to Piltover and Grayson body just laying there life less and the group of people that did it gone. Caitlyn ended up hearing the news of her death and she was told there was a letter for her found on Grayson's body. Marcus gave her the letter and said, "This is your warning to stop with your search and mind your business or you will be next or even your family, it's your choice to decide."

Caitlyn: Marcus where did you find this letter?

Marcus: It was on her body.

Caitlyn: Marcus we both know that if you find something like this it has to be turned in.

Caitlyn was not going to stop until she found her answer and got revenge for her friend she knows who is behind this but with no evidence no one can be brought to justice. She heard of one person that might know who could give her answers but she will have to go to Zaun to talk to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2022 ⏰

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