Haunted (Part 2)

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Drake's P.O.V

I slowly wake up, my eyes finding it hard to adjust to the light of the bedroom. After a while, the light doesn't hurt my eyes as much. I sit up and see Mike drooling on the pillow like he always does. I smile slightly before getting out of bed and putting on a night gown and slippers. Images of the previous night start to play again in my mind.

"Ugh." I mutter. I head over to the kitchen and turn the coffee maker on, planning to make myself a nice cup of hot coffee and hoping that it'll make me forget about last night. As I'm waiting for the my coffee to finish, I spot an old newspaper from a few weeks ago lying on the kitchen counter. I go over to read it, sitting down on the chair nearby.

"Huh, what's this doing here?" I ask myself. I'm about to open it and start reading, when the coffee maker beeps and I hear the sweet hot liquid being poured into my mug. I set the paper down and go over to grab my mug. I take a sip, letting out a satisfied sigh, before turning back to go sit back on my chair. But I stop dead in my tracks at the sight i was faced with.

The pale white figure of a child, with slightly messy hair, a dark top hat and bowtie and big, completely black eyes with two little white dots in them. The figure gives off a dim, eerie glow as he sits on my chair, reading the newspaper like I wasn't standing there. It takes a minute to process. I close my eyes and rub them, convinced that I'm seeing things. However, when I open them again, the figure is gone and the paper is back on the table I the exact position I set it down. I blink a few times, then look at my cup of coffee.

"Is there some kind of drug in my coffee?" I ask myself. I look around and see a kid peeking out from the doorway into the kitchen, pale and glowing like the last one but with a bib, a floating cupcake at her side and long straight hair. I blink, and she disappears.

"What the fuck?" I shake my head, setting my cup of coffee down in the table and walk into the living room.

'Am I hallucinating or something?' I think to myself. I then see two kids run past me, one with messy hair in a small ponytail and an eyepatch chasing the other who has messy hair and a bowtie. I jump back startled.

"...what was-" I cut muself off when I see a mask over my bedroom door. A puppet mask...


"Oh no..." I mutter to myself. I run into the bedroom and waste no time trying to wake up Mike.

"Mike, wake up. Mike! Mike wake the hell up!"

"Five more minutes..." He moans in his sleep. I shake him violently, and after a second his eyes finally open.

"Uhh, Drake? What- w-what time is is? Why'd you wake me up-"

"Mike, the spirits, they're back! I don't know how but they're back!"

"The what? Drake what are you talking about?"

"The spirits of the dead kids. Gabriel, Susie, Jeremy, Fritz, Cassidy and Charlie, they're back somehow. And they're here. In the apartment."

Mike looks at me with a confused expression.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Mike, you gotta listen to me. The six dead kids who possessed the animatronics at the original Freddy Fazbear's. Their spirits are back."

"Drake, it's too early to pull one of your pranks on me."

"It's not a prank! I literally saw Gabriel sitting reading last week's paper. I saw Susie peeking through the doorway, Fritz was chasing Jeremy and Charlie's mask was hovering over our bedroom door. I saw them with my own two eyes- Are you even listening?"

"I'm sorry, but it's hard to focus on what you're saying when your eye's glowing like that."

My eyes go wide at the realisation. I only start to notice the purple glow coming from my eye as Mike mentions it.

"Oh god..."


"My eye... this proves it, their here!"

"Proves what? Drake you're not making any sense right now."

"Okay, I'll make you a cup of coffee, then I'll tell you. You're clearly too tired to understand what's so important about this."

"Okay, in the meantime, I'll go back to bed."

Mike closes his eyes and turns his back to me. I groan before getting up and walking back into the kitchen to make another cup of coffee. Memories of the last time I went to Freddy's start to replay in my mind, the dreams I had after the fire, the spirits of the dead kids fading away.

"No, no this doesn't make sense. They said that they're free the last time I saw them. They thanked me. They faded away... how? How are they back?" I mutter to myself, pacing around the living room. I hold my head in frustration and confusion, foot ring back onto the couch. I groan.

'You seem stressed.'

"You have absolutely no idea..."

It clicks in my mind almost instantly after I finish my sentence. I quickly open my eyes, and stare at the sight in horror.

Six small figures, all pale white, one with buttons and a mask, two with bowties and tophats, one with a bib and a cupcake, one with an eyepatch, and one with a bowtie. Their eyes pitch black, except for the white dots in the center of them, staring straight at me. Their faces stained with grey tears streaming down their faces.

'Hello again Drake'


2 months? Thats how long I haven't uploaded for, 2 months? Damn, I must've kept whoever's left waiting for a while huh? But I'm back. I know I've been absent for a while, saying that I needed to "take breaks" and stuff, but if I'm being honest, I just didmt wanna get kn with it and forgot that this book existed. But, I've found the motivation to keep writing, so here I am. I'll try to update more in future. But until then, I'll see you in the next chapter.


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