Step 3: Surround Yourself with Happy Singles

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Step 3: Surround yourself with people who are happily single

Sad single people are hectic. They are mean about everything. They are angry at the world especially those in love. They are mad at men. They are mad at themselves. Then the other category of such miserable single people is the one that's always lamenting about being single and how badly they'd want a man. Problem is, there are men in their lives who might or might not be pining for them but they want that which they can't access. This I find miserable and pathetic. They'll sit with happy singles and lament about being single. Truth is singleness is not a choice one forces on another. It's an individual choice. You want to be single, then be. You being on your own and then making those who are happy being on their own feel bad for you for being on your own is unfair. Nobody forced you.
If you don't make single Christian friends you'll always feel out of place with those that aren't. Now that even goes up a notch for the virgin Christian single lady. There are some crowds you must intentionally avoid. You don't want to be amongst the girls who look down on your virtue. Those who think being a virgin is a stupid thing. Those who despise it. "Come on girl, you can't be a virgin in this era. That's back n' age." Such people will pressure you into things you aren't ready for. Things that will make you regret the choices you made. It's not stupid to be pure in a generation where promiscuity is promoted and sexual perversity hailed. It is virtuous to be pure in this day and age. You protect yourself greatly if you don't sleep around with every Tom, Dick and Harry. You need to preserve your body and spirit. Don't listen to them. Big problem is, if that is the crowd you're keeping then not listening to them is going to be a heavy chore for you. Filter your friends. Know which ones deserve majority of your time. The friends who feed your spirit the most should be the ones whose values and goals match yours. Yes, if you believe that one day you will get married, it is important that you study around the subject. Watch and listen to mentors who you think I've made it. But don't forget to live. You're single. Enjoy it. Don't make preparing yourself for marriage your whole life's purpose while you're still single. If you make your life all about preparing yourself for marriage while you're single, then you'll get into marriage and realize you haven't lived at all. That is how you find yourself wanting out yet marriage is a life covenant. I know divorce has been normalized these days. That doesn't make it the right thing to do. It's still wrong. Allow yourself to live. By the time you get into marriage, you won't feel suffocated. It will only be a move onto the next stage of your life. There won't be a stage you missed. This means you won't hurt those who care about you trying to compensate for a stage you missed instead of living the one you're in. Watch out for spending your entire singlehood trying to prepare for marriage. Life is not all about marriage. There's more to it than that. Live it. Love it.
Happy single people are easily seen. You can spot them a mile away even in a crowd. You can see them living life with joy filled in their hearts to brim. They are content. They are calm watching life with a smile. The only things that bother are the things that bother everyone. Things we cannot easily avoid like bills, food, stuff like that. In other words, they are complete in and within themselves. Instead you'll find society trying to add to their happiness by saying things like, 'the only thing you need now is a man so you are fully settled'. These happy single people are too full of life that to society they seem like they need nothing else. To their fullness, society will want them to add a man, to create the same fullness in other lives, make it live on through children. Some of these societal folks mean well. They aren't trying to pressure you. They just wish you well. And of course, you'll find those who intend to pressure you by saying things intended to make you feel incomplete because you're single or without a partner. This particular category is the one you're meant to avoid. Notice that if such people are actually married their couples/marriage are not something you even admire. They make you question marriage. It is in fact the happily married couples (and those who are not so happy but are honest enough to tell you the truth) who won't rush you into a relationship. They'll be happy that you're happy. They'll give you advise that matches things you believe in. Things like at any age you can get married and still be happy. Children are not what make up a complete family. It is man and wife that do.

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